Maybe it's just me, but I felt like the moment I stepped foot on my campus and became a real life college student I was expected to have my career trajectory plotted, my future home picked out and have met my future husband before even graduating. I now know that's not the case, because that thought kind of makes me want to vomit.
A good friend of mine recently told me to stop planning so much and live in the now. I can't help but be a planner and I like having that quality, but I'll admit that I often forget to focus on life as it's actually happening. So here's a message to anyone who thinks they're supposed to have it all figured out:
You're not. And that is perfectly okay.
It probably doesn't mean much coming from me, but sometimes knowing someone else is there who knows exactly what you're going through makes it a little easier to manage.
College is a crazy time for everyone and you're allowed to fail a test, oversleep or forget about a discussion post because no one is perfect and no one should expect you to be. As long as bad habits don't become lasting, there's nothing wrong with giving yourself the grace to prioritize sleep or your mental/physical health or family time every once in a while. Academics are important, but they aren't the only thing that matters (Sorry if I'm stepping on any toes here, parents.)
College is a great four years but it's not the only thing that will happen in those four years. You'll meet the most amazing people, fall in love and get your heartbroken probably more than once, pet some dogs, regret some decisions, and somehow still manage to make it to your 9 a.m. like a bad ass- but not without a cup of coffee first.
Don't get wrapped up in the idea of being a 20-something who hasn't picked a career yet. Life works in mysterious ways and more often than not you'll end up doing something you absolutely love but something you never saw coming.
Most of us are somewhere between the first fourth or fifth of our lives and it has been reinforced time and time again that what we do with these college years will directly impact what happens for the rest of our lives. As scary as that seems, take it day by day. Realize that every decision you make does have an impact, but let that inspire you, not terrify you. Life is about perception and life is what you make it, right? So, make it what you want. Don't waste time worrying about what's coming next all the time. I'm still learning to do the same.
There's something beautiful about the unexpected. If you don't stop and appreciate life once in a while, you just might miss it.