The United States of America has entered a new world order where Republicans now have control over both the Senate and the House. For those who consoled themselves with their vote by claiming Trump would have no real power, the country has now been handed over to him. Of course, this statement does not apply to the masses; it applies to the Electoral College, an outdated system that has failed millions. This article by no means will ask you to lose faith in the democratic system, it will ask you to be active in considering what freedom truly means. Our country risks losing contraceptives, LGBTQ rights and one our founding principles, the land of the free; that includes immigrants. I implore you to no longer be passive and hold your representatives and government accountable.
This country has made several leaps forward in social justice but still has much progress to make. We have gone from our first African American president, who brought much needed change, to a president-elect endorsed by the KKK. Trump has openly disrespected women and could take away alternative contraception due to Christian beliefs with Pence by his side. We have created a system in which government and church are to be kept separate in order to insure equality. The clear disregard Trump shows towards this system displays why he is clearly unfit to be president. If this is truly the land of the free, shouldn’t women have control of their own bodies, away from religious persecution? I implore you to no longer be passive; do not let sexism affect the progress of this country.
As if having a sexist for the U.S. president-elect is not horrific enough, our vice president-elect openly endorses conversion therapy. Besides being inhumane, according to, there is no scientific backing to support conversion therapy. The LGBTQ community has undergone much persecution but under President Obama, were finally heard and given a fraction of their rights. According to a Time article, Pence actively opposes gay marriage and access to transgender bathrooms. He claims that the sexually deviant are the mark of ‘societal collapse’, but it is hatefulness like his that will truly collapse our American society. I implore you to no longer be passive. When the time comes to stand up for your fellow Americans, love everyone and support freedom of sexuality.
Now it gets slightly personal. My best friend since high school is a Hispanic who suffers racism daily from people who assume she cannot also be American. Her family has struggled against a system that caters to the white elite since she was born, in California I might add. Now, twenty-two years later, she finally gets to vote for a president she believes could protect her rights as an American. This morning, she cried in fear that her family would be forced to leave their home under the presidency of Donald Trump and Mike Pence. We were all taught about the “melting pot” that is American culture since elementary school but that idea is not being upheld. If you voted for Trump, you may claim you are not a racist, but you have actively promoted a xenophobic culture. I implore you to see the mistake it may be have this man in office.
By electing Trump, you have approved of a sexist, homophobic, racist for your country’s leader. I want to point out that the popularity vote reflected that this is not what the American voters wanted. By electing Trump, we may have just taken two steps backwards from progress. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but the electoral votes went to Donald Trump. Do not give up on your country, those of you who feel discouraged. Instead, raise your voice for equality and perseverance of a better tomorrow.