If you're currently struggling, desperate, or nervous, I promise you it will all turn out okay.
If you are sad, lacking motivation, trying to stay afloat, I promise everything will be well again soon enough.
I feel as though we so often forget that our problems are only temporary. The things we allow to stain our minds with nerves and unwanted worry are only for now. If you're looking for a sign that it will all turn out the way it should, here it is. I know this because thats the way its always been. A wise young woman once sang, "The sun will come out tomorrow," and the trueness of that statement resonates through every tear, fear, or grief I've ever experienced.
The important thing to remember is that the things we experience now are not the defining factors of who we are as a whole. However, how we choose to face them is a testament to our own strength. The two choices are as follows, overcome or let it overcome you. No matter who you are, the problem you face, the fears you hold, you have the ability to overcome it. It lies within your very core.
After all, from birth we are constantly defeating obstacles. As infants, we learn how to use our fingers and toes, we crawl, we stumble, and then eventually, we walk. Though the difficulties we face as we age, become increasingly more complex, the concept is still the same, we crawl, we stumble, and then eventually, we walk. We were made to overcome, we were designed to not simply accept the failures, passively waiting for someone else to solve for us. Rather, we were created to light our own fires and use those flames for the betterment of our world.
I write this article in part for myself, in part for others, and in part for any one specific person who needs it the most. If you're looking for a sign, here it is. You will turn out just fine, your cuts and bruises will heal and leave you even more radiant than ever before, depending on how you let it affect you. My advice? Feel that hurt, let it simmer, and then transform it into pure inspiration. You will overcome, thats my promise.