I thought graduating from college was enough. I thought investing in college was all the education and investment I needed to be a successful woman. It wasn’t until this year that I decided to invest in myself for a program that ultimately changed my life. I almost didn’t enroll because I thought I needed to pay off my college debt before I paid for any other educational or personal development program. I believe as the world continues to change, we should consider investing in ourselves. Investing in our education and personal development is life-changing and, ultimately, priceless.
Sometimes, I believe we are brain-washed into thinking that we need to buy tangible items rather than investing in ourselves. Think about how many advertisements we are exposed to. We are exposed to having the latest cell phones, name brand clothes, sneakers, or jewelry. You can’t ever take education away from a person. Education stays with you for eternity. How good would it really feel for you to spend money on taking your life to the next level?
From the day we were born, we were taught how to walk, talk, spell, etc. We went through pre-school, elementary school, middle school, high school, and college. Think about it, during the first 25% of our lives, we went through schooling. The learning does not have to stop after high school or college is completed. We can continue to read personal development books, take a college course, invest in a personal development coach, or join a book club. There are so many things we can do to keep ourselves smart, savvy, and progressing; we just have to find our niche in the field that we're interested in
If you’re not progressing in life, then you are stagnant. Who really wants to be stagnant? As humans, we are forever changing. Think about how much your features have changed over the past few years. Think about how different you look from when you were fifteen years old until now. Think about how much more mature you are now. We were not created to stay in a place of complacency. Were we created to progress, develop, grow, and evolve. The people who are the most fulfilled in life are the people who are constantly progressing. The individuals who are the most fulfilled in life are those who are creating better lives for themselves every day.
In closing, make it a priority to challenge yourself to push yourself into a state of progression. If the progression means finding a new career, purchasing a personal development book, or even finding a new person to have a relationship with, do it. I believe you would be in a happier space if you decide to make your progression a priority. If you desire support in making your progression a priority, please click the link to schedule a time to speak with me. <Chenechristine.squarespace.com>
Chene’ Christine