This week I wasn't sure what to write. I don't know if it's writers block or maybe I've just lost my magic (let's hope not). Then an idea popped into my mind: "I wonder what other people would write if they were on the Odyssey." So I decided to ask a couple of people what they would write about and make a list of those things. Whether I use this for my own ideas in the future or if someone else does, I just hope everyone finds it entertaining and interesting!
Olivia: "Me."
Followed by...
"You should write what it's like to live with a celebrity because I was on the Team US."
Nicole: "How to be sassy when your boss gets on your nerves." *extra salty flare*
Maddie: "Interesting ways to make money in college." For example: Writing contests, on campus jobs, returning cans, selling to Plato's closet, etc.
Destiney: "What it's like to be in a serious relationship during your college years."
Jenn: "Climate change."
Olivia (after she realized she was being too egotistical): "Why tattoos are addicting."
Lauryn: "Why having a sister is so great!"
Sam B: "I would write about something to do with taking care of our planet and each other like stop being so harsh and rude and start being caring and compassionate. We have to be the generation to change and stop the hate rather than fall into it ESPECIALLY with all of the recent events."
Jae: "What it feels like to lose a child and how to cope with the days that follow."
Sam C: "Why support animals help."
Daniella: "I would write about what it's like telling your parents you're pregnant at 15. It's not easy and not all parents are accepting. I would also tell people what to do in that situation and really educate them on what their options are."
Overall, I loved all of the responses I got! Some of them are things I have never really thought about writing and others are topics I haven't experienced or been educated on. I'm sure there will be a day where I can't think of an idea again and now I have this article to look back on!