Life is full of rules.
Rules on how to act, how to dress, and how to look.
The world tells us that we need to be pretty, but not full of ourselves. We need to be fit, but not too muscular. We need to have a lot of friends, but never make anyone feel left out, so you must like everyone equally. You need to be smart, but don't even dare to be a know it all. You can have opinions, but they can't be controversial or be in opposition of anyone else's.
There are expectations and restrictions, and limits and norms that we must adhere to, in order to fit in.
But, what if we didn't have to fit in?
Crazy, I know.
I'm aware this isn't the first time you're hearing this notion. Our whole lives we are told to " be ourselves" and to get in touch with our own identities, but do we ever actually do that?
Honestly? No.
If you're anything like me, you've spent the majority of your life needing to be liked, and acting certain ways to make that happen. And if you don't fit into this category, hats off to you, because you have figured out how to actually be happy.
Yes, today I will tell you the key to happiness. Little do you know, you've had this tool in your metaphorical toolbelt, since the day you were born.
It's you.
Your personality, quirks, dreams, desires, flaws, every embarrassing moment from the 7th grade, every relationship, cut and bruise. It's EVERYTHING that encompasses who are you.
There is a strength that comes with being 100% unapologetically yourself, without worrying about following the rules, or sticking to the status quo (didn't Troy Bolton teach you anything?).
I challenge you to spend a day being yourself. Laugh with the loud laugh that someone once made fun of you for. Pierce your face, and tattoo your whole arm if that's something you've always wanted to do, but were scared of being disapproved of. Dance like a crazy person at prom, and if your date gets embarrassed, drop them, because they don't deserve you anyway.
Spend a day being fearlessly you.
Who cares that you play nerdy video games, or like to wear strictly polka dots?
Why bother stressing out about whether or not that boy will be creeped out if you put a smiley face emoji? SEND IT.
I know this is easier said then done, but life is all about growing right?
So grow. Grow into the person you want to be, not the person you think you should be.
Life is short. So do whatever you can to make your time on this floating rock in space, as meaningful, fun, and unique as possible.
Be you, be bold, and be beautiful.