I’m painfully aware of the reputation that many liberals have: that we refuse to listen to dissenting thoughts, and we have to have opinions that hurt our feelings thrown out. But I like to consider myself relatively open minded, I disagree with Republican values, but I understand where they’re coming from. I can see why you wouldn’t want Sanders to be president, and I get why you would favor a small government.
But I don’t understand why you would support Donald Trump.
Or rather I do, I just don’t understand the type of person that could vote for a man like Trump and still sleep at night.
And let’s put politics aside. Donald Trump is running on a platform of racism, xenophobia and fear mongering. His candidacy is steeped in hate. Human rights are not a “gray area” of political beliefs, they aren’t up for discussion. You’re either for them, or against them.
Donald Trump is against human rights.
Going beyond how he would balance the budget or fund certain programs (though both of those things are important), Donald Trump is just simply not a good person. And you really want to make him the most powerful person in the country? One of the most influential world leaders?
Trump supporters say proudly that he wants to run the country like a business. But the Unites States isn’t a business, it shouldn’t be profit driven, the measure of its success is its progress towards making our country a more fair, equitable, and inclusive country.
To vote for Donald Trump is casting a vote in favor of institutionalized racism, in favor of a country governed by corporate whims, in favor of gun violence, in favor of hate.
If you support Donald Trump you’re a racist.
And I know people will bring up the fact that a lot of Trump supporters aren’t well educated, that they come from communities where social norms from the 60s still prevail. And I understand that they’ve been influenced by their surroundings, the same way college has influenced my beliefs. But that isn’t an excuse, it’s still racism.
If Donald Trump can proclaim all Mexicans to be criminals and all Muslims to be terrorists, I can state, unapologetically, all Trump supporters are racist.