I have had naturally super curly hair for my entire life. As most curly haired people do, I have a love-hate relationship with my hair. Back in middle school it was mostly a hate relationship. But now, as an almost-20 year old, I definitely have more love for my curls. However, there are still some moments when I wish I had more manageable hair. Here are just a few of those moments...and I'm sure you can relate if you're a fellow curly head.
1. People ask to touch your hair all the time
Maybe it is just because I've grown so used to what I was born with, but I don't think I will ever understand the fascination people have when they see my hair. It's as if no one else in the world has curls.
2. You always replace the shampoo and conditioner at different times
I'm still waiting for the day I run out of both at the same time.
3. Putting your hair up is a serious commitment.
Once you put your hair into a bun or ponytail, you only have 5 minutes to change your mind before it molds itself into a whole new shape.
4. No product=frizz
I don't think I have ever gone anywhere important without product in my hair. Actually, now that I am thinking about it, I don't think I ever go anywhere without hair product. My hair would literally just be frizz. You wouldn't even be able to tell it's curly.
5. Too much product=crunchy hair
It's literally the worst. You have to learn the perfect amount of gel/mousse to use because too little leaves you with frizz and too much leaves you feeling crunchy.
6. You can’t brush it while it’s dry
And if you do, you better be planning on getting in the shower right after
7. You are scared of haircuts
You're always afraid that the hair stylist cuts too much off and you end up with a much fluffier hairstyle than you started with.
8. You complain all the time but you would never trade it
Yes--curly hair can be difficult to manage. But at the same time, you would never trade it for anything else.