One of my most vivid memories from my childhood is the moment my Grandma got the call from the hospital, and informed my then five year old being that I now had not only one, but two, little brothers. The shock and horror of this revelation was scarring, as I had been certain that the people growing inside my mothers tummy were going to be girls; like my childhood role models, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen. I coped with this change of plans by not only throwing a fit, but banishing myself to my room as I never wanted to meet the monsters that would now inhabit my life. I did however eventually leave my room, and met my new nemesis', who I quickly learned weren't what I was expecting. They were so much more. I came to realize that if you give a girl little brothers, they will not only completely change her life, they will change it for the better. If a girl has a little brother:
1. She will have to become a sport fan.
As my household became a house full of boys I came to an inevitable truth: I would have to become a sports fan. Growing up I learned to sit through almost every televised Eagles, Phillies, Sixers, and Flyers games. I not only came to know enough about the sports to actually shock people by knowing enough to have full blown conversations about them, but actually came to sometimes enjoy them, and even discovered my forever love of football.
2. She will learn to not sweat the small stuff.
Lets face it girls can often times let normal situations spiral out of control into a tornado of drama. Watching my brothers, however, I would be shocked how they could simply move on and laugh off an issue that would have no doubt led to screaming and tears if it had been me and my friends. My brothers are constantly showing me what is important in life, and that many of the minor dramas we face can be laughed off
3. She will realize that she deserves to be respected.
Growing up having such a close relationship with boys from an early age makes you realize early on that you deserve to be treated with respect. Often being the odd person out in a 2:1 scenario, I learned that I needed to speak up for myself and demand respect, and that I should hold the same requirements not only for my brothers, but also for all the boys who enter my life after them.
4. She will always have people in her corner.
One thing I've come to realize is that no matter the situation, my little brothers will almost always have my back. Putting all the petty arguments and sibling rivalry aside, my brothers are some of the first people to have my back when life gets a bit of track. They can act as a literal shoulder to cry on, make me laugh on even my worst days, and yes even give shockingly good and relevant advice.
5. She will learn to become a role model.
From a young age I came to the realization that my brothers were in fact watching me. As they are growing up they looked to me and my past experiences, mistakes, and triumphs as a road map. They have constantly shown me that the decisions I make not only effect myself, but others as well.
Little brothers are not the type of gift that can be neatly wrapped and placed under a Christmas tree, nor can they be ripped into on a special birthday. There is no receipt to bring them back to a shopping mall and exchange them. Frankly, I don't know why anyone would want to. From the day of their birth my brothers have changed my life in so many ways for the better, and I am lucky that they will continue to do so for the rest of my life.