If you give a college student a break,
(S)he is going to ask for a nap.
When you give the student a nap, (s)he'll probably ask for food... lots of it.
When the student is finished, (s)he'll ask for even more food.
Then he/she'll want to look in a mirror to make sure he/she hasn't gotten too fat.
But when the student looks in the mirror, (s)he might notice (s)he's gained a few pounds from the school year. So he/she'll probably ask to go to the gym.
When (s)he's finished thinking about going to the gym,
(s)he'll want more food to keep her/himself happy. (S)he won't go to the gym.
(S)he might get carried away and go on the computer... for hours.
(S)he may even end up eating more as well.
When (s)he's done, (s)he'll be ready for an adventure.
You'll have to watch her/him take a lot of over-dramatized photos.
(S)he'll post a bunch of pictures on Instagram with "punny" or travel-related captions that read comments of "so q," "hot AF," "so jealous," and the classic heart eyed emoji.
(S)he'll spend more time with family and friends and realize how happy (s)he is at home or traveling.
And of course, you'll have to feed her/him more food.
(S)he'll look at the date and realize there are only a few more days until (s)he needs to return to school.
Which means (s)he'll need to do her/his school work.
(S)he'll take out her/his textbooks and stand back to look at them.
Looking at the textbook will remind her/him that (s)he's tired.
(s)he'll ask for a nap.
and chances are if (s)he asks for a nap,
(s)he's going to want a longer vacation to go with it.