If you give a college student homework then....
They will probably want some coffee.
If you give them some coffee then,
They will probably want some snacks.
If you give them some snacks then,
They will probably want Netflix.
If you give them Netflix then,
They will probably want to watch a few shows.
If they watch a few shows then,
They will want to finish the season.
If they finish the season then,
They will want to sit and think about the ending.
If they sit and think about the ending then,
They will want to watch the next season.
If they watch the next season then,
They will want to finish it.
If they finish it then,
They will want to go to sleep because it's 3 a.m.
If they go to sleep then,
They will never get their school work done.
If they never get their school work done then,
They fail their classes.
If they fail their classes then,
They will have to drop out of school.