The past two weeks, I have been fortunate enough to play a role on the Summer Preview team as a Guide for new students. (Summer Preview is a type of New Student Orientation that allows new students to get a glimpse of what campus life and living is about.) While the two weeks I spent in this Program were extremely fun and meaningful, they were also exhausting.
After completing our final day of Summer Preview, we went to the Student Center to relax and rest while waiting for the debrief that would conclude our time together. When there, the fatigue was evident and the thought of returning to our jobs and homes was beginning to creep among the group.
Lost in these thoughts, I began to ignore the conversations around me until I felt a tiny burst of moisture on my arm. Snapping back into the present, I realized that another Guide had started blowing bubbles towards the group.
The bubbles had an immediate effect on us all, and, riveted, we all extended our hands towards the eager satisfaction of a mere pop. Smiles and laughs formed as soon as the first bubble was poked, and our energy edged back into us as each new bubble was blown.
As silly, and slightly crazy, as this story may sound, I have had numerous other experiences such as this. During a stressful week of school, my friend and I walked down the mall blowing giant bubbles, and the smiles we got as we cheerfully popped them made our day. In addition, I personally cannot resist when I see a new tub of bubble solution and a wand ready to use.
Ultimately, I think that something so simple as a bubble can help college students remember what is important in life. Although a week may be stressful between jobs, academics, and other involvements, we should always take time out of our day to appreciate the small joys in life.
In addition, we should always share these small joys with others, and remember that each and every person has their own personal troubles that they deal with. I’m not saying that whipping out bubbles is the answer to every situation, but simply, when stressed, one should also keep in mind that there are others around them who may be dealing with a tough load also. If we can keep one another in mind in situations like this, much as the Summer Preview guide who blew the bubbles our way did, we can bring a little more joy into the world one bubble at a time.