I lay here in bed typing up article ideas as my boyfriend is sleeping next to me. It occurred to me that an idea was laying right next to me, curled up close, sleeping like a baby. He even jokingly made a comment earlier on me needing to write something about him. So here it is babe, this one is for you. Sorry if it gets too sappy.
If you ever wonder if you've found the person for you, I encourage you to look at them while they're sleeping. Maybe it's a little weird, but I think it's important. Take in everything about them, such as their breathing and the way their eyelashes flutter when they're dreaming. There's something beautiful about taking in the presence of someone when they're unaware. Sometimes I just have to reach over and touch him to make sure he's real, and I can't help but smile when he unconsciously reaches for me. These are the times I really think about him and what he's done for me. Some people may look at our relationship and find it different. We bicker and play fight, if an onlooker didn't know us they might think we were actually serious. We're comfortable in our roles and that's what truly matters.
One way I know that we're meant to be is that I couldn't imagine being without him. Living together may sound smothering, but when I'm not with him I miss him. I can't stand not having him close, and when something is happening I know that I can reach out and his hand will be there to hold.
Another thing about knowing someone one is for you is that time doesn't necessarily matter. Yes it's important to get to know someone, but to be honest do you ever really know everything about one person? Not usually. I love constantly finding out surprises about him. How can you measure love in time? He and I have known each other for almost a year now, what started out as friendship turned into an even bigger adventure. We've been together almost six months. It didn't take me long to love him, his smug looks drive me crazy but not as much as his heart makes mine skip a beat. We could be together 10 years and I couldn't imagine ever loving him less than I do now.
What matters isn't money or material things. What matters is deciding that this is the person you want to fight wars with, not against. I encourage you to think about your future for a moment, because believe me time flies and in just a moment your future becomes the present. Can you see the one for you there? Are you positive that they are the one laying next to you? If the same person is being pictured in your head, that's a sign.
I'd also like to take a moment to talk about trust. I'd trust him with my life, as well as with my heart. I know that I can give this man my all and he won't take it for granted. And he knows that the same will happen in return. Trust, as cliche as it sounds, is one of the most important parts of a relationship. If you don't trust the one you're with, than there really isn't space to move forward.
Speaking of space, he usually knows when to give me mine. I think this is important because when you live together there is not much alone time. Sometimes I just need to sit on my own and decompress after a long day. He's good about letting me have my time to myself, but you better believe I owe at least an hour of cuddling after. This is just the give and take involved in a relationship that is working to last.
Now, I know that this doesn't mean i'm insured a fairy tale ending, but I know that I can at least expect a B-movie-grade Rom-Com. That's good enough for me to be honest.
So if after this article you feel more in love with your significant other, than my job is done here. But if after reading this article you have some doubts, take some time to yourself to think about what you want out of you're relationship. Just because this is what makes my relationship work, doesn't mean it works the same for you. Everyone loves differently. Although I might have mentioned a few things that all relationships need, I'm sure that my relationship has different characteristics than yours. What matters in that end is that your relationship is healthy, and that you are happy.