I use to be one of those girls who would roll their eyes at classmates who were a little too done up for classes. Wearing nice outfits, makeup, cute shoes: the whole nine yards. Thinking, "Who are you trying to impress?" Now I've become one of those girls and I have absolutely no shame in it.
What I've learned in my college experience is that if you don't take care of yourself, no one will. There is no one here to hold your hand, tell you how to dress, wash your hair, pick you up when you're down, or anything of the sorts. I use to know nothing about makeup, a little about fashion, and only want to put time into it when it came to actually impressing someone. Now I own name brand makeups, follow YouTube hosts on Snapchat for daily tips and product marketing, keep up to date in fashion, and regularly check the weather to make sure I can dress appropriately for it and me.
Why do I do all of this? FOR ME. I have found enjoyment in doing my makeup and feeling like a rock star when I leave my room each day. It gives me a kick of confidence the same way a good grade will, but it's every single day.
Yes, I'm 5' 10" and I walk around in 2-3" boots and booties all fall and make a statement with my presence but I don't care about your opinion on it unless you're complimenting my shoes. I love them and can't control my height. I will not restrict my love of shoes because my genetics made me a baby giraffe.
I like wearing leggings just as much as the next girl, and I wear them all the time. I just don't wear them with oversized sweatshirts or sneakers. I LIKE creating outfits and there is nothing wrong with that. Just like there is nothing wrong with those who choose to dress for comfort.
This world is full of too many sober girls judging one another, and I use to be one of them. Why can't we all be as supportive as our alter-egos who have had one too many shots and are hugging strangers in the bathroom? Our world could truly benefit from it.