Some people take off their shoes the moment they arrive to their house, but some wait until they have reached to their room or a certain place at home. According to Dailymail, the top three reasons why people should take off their shoes before going past their entrance is door is because of lethal bugs that can be picked up when walking outside, the lethal bugs can multiply and spread on carpets or floors, and just by touching the infected surface could cause a stomach bug. All of this has been researched by the University of Houston and they also claim that another one of the side affects to the lethal bugs is diarrhea
Professor Kevin Garey stated, " It's amazing how far humans travel during the day, and all that walking drags in germs and bugs." Bed bugs, dirt, and bad scents are evidence to Garey's statement. Everyone travels between several locations and as we walk we could be stepping on bugs or dirt which then get caught in between the bottom of our shoes or our clothes. People in bigger and fast pace areas should be more cautious than anyone! For instance, New York City is filled with a lot of people and with transportation that is not very clean. Buses and trains don't get cleaned as often due to the late night runs. People can be sick and cough on the standing poles or someone could be dragging bed bugs from their home and passing it on to you with one touch.
Part of the research included Garey and his team looking into prevalence of C difference by collecting 2,500 samples all over the city. According to Dailymail, at least 26.4 %of shoes solestested positive for the bug. With this research it is very clear that germs are everywhere and there isn't much we can do when it comes to staying away from them, bacteria is found on makeup which is then applied to the face as well as our clean laundry due to the dirty laundry in the load before yours.
On the other hand, small things like taking your shoes off before walking inside the house helps because all the germs are left at the door rather than if you walk with the shoes you wore outside than the germs begin to spread, and spread even more further is there are more people or pets in the house. Another way to help reduce bacteria is by carrying hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and coughing on the side of our shoulders to prevent germs flying out into the air or on someone. If the world was germ free people wouldn't have to worry as much about bugs and infections, but our world isn't germ free and that is why we should take into per-caution the next time we want to walk with our shoes all around the house.