Being my mother must not be an easy job. God bless my mother for putting up with my moody, stubborn, and flat out crabby self. I am a tough cookie to handle, and she has done a superb job. She has pushed me to new heights, helped me achieve my dreams and goals, and most importantly loved me unconditionally.
I can only imagine what it would be like to be her. But have you ever wondered what you would say or do if you were the mother of yourself? Looking back on growing up and my twenty-one years of life, I realized there are things I wish I had done but also things I am happy I did do, and appreciative that my mother taught me. If I were the mother of me this is what I would pass down to myself.
There is no limit to your goals and dreams.
Keep your spirits high, your expectations higher, and your drive to reach them the highest. You are capable of more than you think that you are, you just need to push yourself to do it.
Who cares what people think?
There are things that I have kept myself from doing when growing up, because I was afraid what people thought. I have learned that when you are carefree, you enjoy things more. You will experience genuine fun and you will become more appreciative of the things you do. “I’m so glad I did that” sounds and feels a whole lot better than “I wish I did that.”
Be careful what you put on the Internet.
Social Media became prevalent when I was young and I remember it growing in use. I was probably about 13 when I got my first social media account. When introduced to it I was not really cautious of the content I put out and was unaware of how accessible it would be. I mean the stuff I put up wasn’t terrible, but if I could go back I would filter my content a little bit more.
With all that you do give it all you got.
Whether it the most simple task, I was always taught not to lack in effort. Any success I have had was all thanks to the effort I put it. People can get away with slacking, but they will not reach their fullest potential. Always give it all you got, because in the end it all pays off.
Be proud of who you are!
You are unique, you are special and you shine in your own way. In the wise words of Bill Gates, “Don’t compare yourself to anyone in this world, if you do so you are insulting yourself.” It is good to be different, because it is what makes you you. Tell yourself things like, ”You may not be the best artist, but you are a damn good athlete.” Take pride in what makes you extraordinary and strive to reach your greatness.
Take time to enjoy the little things life gives you.
Don’t just go, go, go, go. Stop and take a breath. Life goes by faster than you think make sure to take time to enjoy it or you will miss the good stuff.
At the end of every day, family comes first, always.
You will always have family and that is the most important thing. Be thankful for what you have.