Well, this is it, my last time. I have greatly appreciated all those in my life and what they have done for me. I hope for those I called my family to know that I love you with all my heart and have never meant to hurt you. I wish you could understand how much you have meant to me. I am thankful for all that were in my life growing up because I sure did go through a lot.
To my childhood friends I can never ever forget how much fun we had doing all the dumb little things we did. We stressed my grandparents out so much by the way we would be all over the neighborhood. I must also apologize for all of the food I ate at y’all’s house. I don't know why, but for some odd reason when I got to your house, I instantly got hungry and asked for something to eat. Speaking of food, I also need to apologize to my aunt and uncle for how much food I ate at your house. I swear I cleaned out the refrigerator some of those nights I was over. Also, I am sorry for those nights when I cried all night for my mom to pick me up and when I got so fed up with my mom not answering I called the police just to hang up. Then they would show up at “too late o’clock”. I am really sorry about that, sincerely.
The thing is as a child I didn’t really think things through and honestly I still don’t. I don’t quite understand why I did some of those things when I was younger. Again to all of those that were in my life then and that aren’t now remember I tried to show how much I cared about you all. Then to those in my life now, I hate you all. Just joking, those in my life now you mean more to me now more than ever. I can never repay you all for treating me so well. I know I doubted that you loved me from time to time, but I am working on believing that. I hope one day that I can believe how much you guys care for me.
To my new friends that I have made in college I am so thankful for you because my first two years were not fun and were very lonely. You guys—and girls— have been so amazing to me. You made me fall in love with Texas Tech all over again. There are times that when I leave hanging out with y’all that I thank God for the blessings you all have been in my life. I hope that I have been a blessing in your lives as well.
What I have noticed is that we as people want to wait until the end of their friendships, relationships, or even their own life to tell those they care about how they really feel. Why wait? Tomorrow is not promised and neither are the things we have in our life. If someone has blessed you thank him or her with sincere meaning and try to be a blessing to him or her. We were put on this planet not for our own selves, but for each other. So, If you’re reading this please make the effort and appreciate the time you have with those around you. Thank the Lord for the opportunities and blessings that we have have.
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