The latest app to hit the hands of all 20 something year olds to slightly older thirty somethings wanting to relive their childhoods is Pokemon Go!
Pokemon Go! and the augmented reality of the situation is that it seems to be causing more good in the world than bad. In the past week, I have noticed walking around Manchester, New Hampshire, a few amazing sightings that the smartphone screen is missing when everyone else is looking down
I've found more people outside.
I know it might be an understatement considering you have to find gyms and Pokestops. However, I have seen more people outside enjoying the walking around aspect to the game a lot more than I expected considering most video games keep them cooped up inside. The city parks have been getting more visitors. Restaurants have been seeing booms in business. The sidewalks are more congested with people trying to literally "catch them all."
People are talking to other people.
Whether you are on Team Valor, Mystic, or Instinct (I am surprised with myself for knowing them all too), you find yourself screaming at the top of your lungs: "What team?"
You hope to hear your respective team or risk the opposite which might not be so bad after all once you get into talking strategy. As someone who is a proud self-proclaimer of Team Purple (one who neither plays Pokemon Go nor cares, but appreciates those around her that do), I have seen how this one question leads to instantaneous friendships or enemies in a matter of a few seconds.
The amount of times I hear this small phrase every day makes me just want to scream "Wildcats!" But, I know if I did I probably would be stared down by quite a few people wondering what planet am I from.
I have witnessed love along the way.
I stumbled upon a couple in the park. They were playing casually on opposite teams until my friends (Team Valor and Mystic, respectively) found their alliances. The woman from the couple told me how she had been turning down people all weekend so she can help them catch their Pokemon. When my friends and I found her and her date they were having their first date as a couple and I can honestly say that they looked genuinely happy. As a complete stranger, I hope them the very best and hope they don't break up once this trend dies down.
Well, if we are speaking of death, the handful bodies found using the app may lead a few unsolved cases and even peace of mind to families trying to find out the truth about their loved ones. So in a way, the players are helping solve cases and for that I am sure that became more than a few level ups on the players' parts.
I have seen players love themselves.
This might sound ridiculous but I have seen pride and love. Players have been showing they can accomplish goals in finding something they have been searching for, but they have also shown compassion for complete strangers simply because they are on the same team or different teams. No matter what every player is fighting for the same cause.
They are finding something to be personally proud about. Some players even found pride in walking around a city they may have lived in for half a decade but never really seeing some of the places the game walked them too. Some players witnessed pounds slipping away just by walking around instead of always driving to get to their destination.
I heard about the stupidity.
When I heard about the girl going off the bridge or the people getting hit by cars, I would like to apologize for not understanding how one can be this ridiculously stupid and not watch where they are going while playing a video game that takes them to the outside world with real dangers. I am just trying to wrap my head around this. Let me get this straight. You were walking trying to catch things called an Oddish or a Weedle and you expect the world to freeze time so you can catch them then move on. Hell no. I am sorry, but if you are trying to catch this stuff please watch where you are going. Look up every once in a while. As a pedestrian and current walker, please still look up even when you are on the sidewalk. Thank you.
It is creating a cultural phenomenon.
As someone who does not follow trends, I think the world can really learn a lot from watching just a few moments of this trend because it might actually change how we interact as a society. We might start to see Pokemon Go! as a way for us to get out and experience more. More life. More fun. More love. Maybe even more compassion for those once strangers we'd walked by every day, yet now have become members of the same team with.