Having compassion means loving unconditionally. It means that no matter who needs your help that you go straight to them and show them an overwhelming sense of care. Because is that not what Jesus did for us?
In the bible story of Saul, or eventually Paul, Jesus showed so much grace and mercy. He knew that Saul was going to Damascus to persecute Christians but showed him unconditional love nevertheless. The Lord could have easily turned away from Saul, but instead showed him grace and mercy. How wonderful is it that we serve an almighty God who pursues us no matter how big or deep the sin? Just like Paul The Lord went to the woman at the well. He said “I must go to Samaria.” He could’ve went around Samaria but chose to go straight to her. He chooses to come straight to us every single day showing us so much love that we definitely do not deserve. God’s love is like none other and can never be replaced.
We walk in our everyday lives and pass by people while we say “Hi, How are you?” but do we really mean it? I think we use our words in wrong ways sometimes. When someone asks how you are we all know we just say “I’m good” and walk on with our life even though we could be falling apart on the inside. We should be able to reach out to other Christians and tell them just how we feel in our day to day life. Instead we walk around on pins and needles while trying not to have our come apart and thinking everyone will judge you for your faults. When in all reality, who are we to judge others for their failures?
“Unconditional love requires we love God first. Only He can provide the strength and ability to give this same love to another person. God loves unconditionally and nothing changes His love for us; this is an impressive truth.” –Brooke Lynn. So wake up every morning and ask yourself “What if I loved like Jesus today? How different would my day be?”
“Compassion helps others know that despite any discouragement they feel or wrongs they've committed; someone cares about them."