While there has been some controversy with Taylor Swift..... I think people should just hush because TSwizzle is amazing! Having been a fan of her work for seven years I started thinking about her songs. So I came up with five songs that would be girls in real life.
Shake it Off- the shake it off girl, is the girl that goes out and is not afraid to tell anyone about it! She parties with her friends and loves to have fun and dance the night away.
Clean- clean is about a girl who finally gets over a relationship. The clean girl is the girl that finished going through all the stages of a breakup and now she is finally free of the heartache.
Long live- this is the girl that is involved with everything from President of her sorority to honor roll in her campus. She wants to make history and go down in the books for her ambition.
You belong with me- this girl is in love with her guy best friend but that best friend has a girl friend. The YBWM girl, will listen to your problems with your girlfriend but to you she is just a good friend not girlfriend!
Should've said no- the girl who is super pissed at her ex for cheating. She will burn your pictures and go all 2008 Carrie Underwood on you! But she will do it with style and awesome hair.