“You’ve got to love yourself. And love who you are. And know what you are doing is fine.” –Christina Grimmie
There comes a point in many people’s lives when they develop an idol. This is often times not the same person for each individual and for many, it was Christina Grimmie. Who wouldn’t look up to someone that worked so hard on YouTube in an effort to be discovered? Started achieving her dreams on "The Voice"? Was continuously grateful? And spread joy? For me, it had always been One Direction but, I am not here to say that I understand your pain if Grimmie was your idol.
What I’m here to say is, I’m sorry.
I’m sorry that she was the one person who made you feel like you could escape from reality if times were tough. I’m sorry if she was the one person you felt could make you smile. I’m sorry if you loved her voice and simply looked up to her. I’m sorry if your dream was to meet her and you didn’t get the chance. Again, I’m sorry.
What I’m also here to say is, you can make it.
You are Strong Enough. Yes, there is not going to be a day that goes by where her cover comes on or you decide to reminisce on old videos and you feel sad. Think of those videos as ways where you can cherish and love what she did. Her song lyrics, her covers, her Vines will always be there. She provided you so much happiness, she wouldn’t want you to be stuck remembering her for the wrong reason.
There’s More. You’ll find more music and more people and more books and more places to adore. I promise you. There is so much out there in this world. Spread that joy and that passion she gave you, into everything and everyone you come across.
Love Yourself. I don’t mean this in a negative way, I mean it as in if you only felt happiness or love when you heard or watched her, use that love toward yourself. Don’t let yourself return to any insecurities she may have erased from you, use all that joy and continue to live how she would have. It is at a time like this, where you have to listen to all the positivity your idol brought you and run with it.
I know that you aren’t going to feel immediately better and of course it is going to take time. But you got this, now go on all those adventures and spread all that joy Grimmie brought you.