The older I get, the harder I have found it to create a Christmas Wish List. I feel like I don’t need anything besides maybe a gift card to buy groceries, candles or some decorative hand towels (adults like that stuff, right?). There are a few things that I wish for every day though and it hits me harder each Christmas.
So Santa, here are a few things that you and God can maybe work out to put under my tree this year:
1. Pure happiness for everyone:
I am not just talking about the holiday cheer. I mean the happiness that causes a person to smile from ear to ear and if you’re like me, you shed a tear or two when you’re just THAT happy.
As I grow older I am able to pick sadness out of crowd. Everyone has gone through things that no one else knows about. I wish that each and every one of us could live without regret and fearfulness. No one should be forced to work a job that they hate or be in a relationship that is toxic. Do not be afraid to do what makes you happy. If it is out of your control focus your energy on the things that do make you happy. Live the life you deserve.
2. The power to kill disease:
We've all watched cancer and other terrible diseases take loved ones away. For me it started when I was 3, we lost my grandpa to heart disease and then at 12 we lost my great grandma to cancer. It has been an endless battle of trying to learn why some of the healthiest people deserve to be sick. We learn to cope and learn how to live those special people. Why does it have to be like that though? I pray every night that one day we will live in a world that the only doctors’ visits we will make will be for broken bones or the common cold.
3. Free endless flights:
If you are close to me, or are really anyone that knows my name, you know that I would drop everything to go to Seattle, Washington. Do I have plans to go this summer? Yes. Is it expensive? Yes. I feel extremely blessed to have the opportunities to travel. I wish that each and every person could be able to travel to at least one place that they dream of each day. There is so much beauty on God's green Earth, especially in America. From the Grand Canyon out west to the sandy shores of Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. There is a lot more that the country has to offer compared to your own hometown.
4. Something to stop time:
With every sunrise comes a new adventure. Each day I am blessed to learn a new lesson and grow into the woman I am today. I look forward to the future but I wish that some days could be just a few hours longer. The memories I’ve made, the pictures I’ve taken and the laughter that has come from those times is great but I want to be able to enjoy it longer. In a month I will be 20-years-old and it doesn’t seem possible. Of course I still have time before the real world hits but multiple people that I graduated with are ALREADY engaged. Congrats to those happy couples, but I just cannot picture that for myself anytime soon. The perfect image in my head is possibly engaged at 28, no kids, 30 dogs and running the PR department for one of my favorite sports teams.
5. A World Series win for the Tigers:
… please, Santa? God? Verlander? Anyone?