There is no denying that when you lose someone who is close to you, the pain is unbearable. Our minds and bodies sometimes cannot handle the pain of the loss and it takes you a very long time to process what has happened. Sometimes we wish that we could have just one more conversation with them. Tell them that we love them one more time. Tell them that we miss them during hard times in our life. Go to them for advice or ask them a question only they could answer. But even though we can’t see them or hear them, we still can find ourselves talking to them at times.
If heaven had cellphones I would thank you. I would say thank you for always being there throughout everything in my life and going above and beyond of what a grandfather is expected to do. I would thank you for coming to every dance recital, talent show, sports game and being my biggest fan. I would thank you for teaching me how to be a good person and for showing me the importance of appreciation for the people in my life. You never took anyone or anything for granted and with you, I always knew that I was loved. I would thank you for showing me what true love is, by the way you loved mom-mom, unconditionally for 62 years. I didn’t thank you enough while you were here, and as I grow up I realize now how lucky I was to have a grandfather like you in my life.
If heaven had cell phones I would ask you if you’re proud of me. I wish I could tell you everything that is changing in my life and all of the things I am accomplishing as I continue to grow up. But, even though I can’t see you, I know that you already know everything.
If heaven had cellphones I would ask you how you are doing. We lost you so suddenly and so soon, sometimes I wonder if you found peace and if you’re happy.
If heaven had cell phones I would reminisce with you. It was always so fun to sit with you and laugh about all the fun memories we have from family vacations and get togethers.
If heaven had cellphones I would tell you how much I miss you. There is not a day that goes by where I don’t think about you. I miss you more each day and I wish that you were still only a few houses away from me. Holidays and birthdays just aren’t the same without you here, and everyone has felt the absence of you in their life. You made everyone smile without even trying and had a way of always bringing life to the room whenever you were in it.
Lastly, if heaven had cellphones I would tell you that I love you. Even though you are gone, I want you to know thatyou were and still are very loved.