If Harry Potter Characters Went To WWU | The Odyssey Online
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If Harry Potter Characters Went To WWU

If Harry Potter Characters Went To WWU

Harry Potter

Harry is the kind of guy who volunteers for the peer-led orientation during Summerstart, and introduces himself to all of the incoming freshmen, paying special attention to those who seem to have fewer friends. He will sit next to you while you choose your classes for the upcoming quarter, and recommend his favorites, while giving you a friendly warning to steer clear from any of Professor Snape’s classes.

He is famous around campus (and Bellingham, for that matter) for chasing down and performing a citizen's arrest on a man who stole a sophomore girl’s purse right off of her arm. When you’re running late and have class all the way on the other side of campus, Harry will often pull up to you in Red Square with his Moped scooter and deliver you to your classroom just in time. He’s always around to save the day.

Ron Weasley

While Ron is used to being Harry’s wing man (and still is, to a certain degree), he is really enjoying the independence that WWU offers him. While attending classes at Western, he has created a small candy-selling business in order to support himself and Ginny. (He feels guilty that his parents spent most of their money already sending them to Hogwarts. At one point, they sent an owl, expressing how "very ungodly the costs of muggle textbooks are!”) He makes just enough money through exporting his favorite candies (Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, Chocolate Frogs, and Skiving Snackboxes) from Diagon Alley, and selling them around campus. WWU students love them. Is it legal? No one really knows (or cares).

Hermione Granger

Hermione is enjoying attending classes at WWU almost as much as studying magic at Hogwarts. She claims that because she is muggle-born, she figured she’d end up studying in a muggle school sooner or later. She is double majoring in Sociology and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies while also studying for the LSAT. It’s obvious that she loves every minute of it. She spends most of her time in the Wilson Library (the Harry Potter room, of course) with her nose in a book, sometimes two. On top of all that, she attends regular meetings for 15 different clubs, and helps Ron manage his candy-selling business, although she discourages it. The two are officially going steady.

Draco Malfoy

Draco rides into school every day in a clunky old Toyota Corolla, sporting old tennis shoes and a hand-me-down backpack from his father’s school days. It turns out that after you-know-who was defeated, the ministry of magic finally raided the Malfoy home and confiscated all of their illegal possessions, leaving them with next to nothing. With the help of an extra large fine they had to pay for all of their infractions, they’re pretty much broke now. He often hangs out on the “Stairs to Nowhere” sculpture on the comm. facility lawn with his two best friends. Occasionally, Draco tries to use magic to cheat on tests, but Hermione sets him straight whenever she has the opportunity.

He and Harry are civil with each other now that he has changed his ways in being much less discriminatory toward “mudbloods,” but neither wants to be actual friends.

Neville Longbottom

Neville is the star of the WWU varsity quidditch team. Although he struggled at first to grasp quidditch without magic, the WWU Wyverns taught him how it’s played, and it turns out he’s the best they’ve ever seen. While he might not have seemed particularly exceptional at Hogwarts, he is really coming into his own at WWU. When he’s not busy kicking butt on the quidditch field, he’s tending to the plants around campus and organizing protests to be held in Red Square, and just generally standing up for what is right. He is loved dearly by all of his professors, and he’s very popular with the ladies. He’s currently sporting a man bun that’ll put this guy to shame.

Ginny Weasley

Between bandaging up Harry’s cuts and scrapes, and getting her BS in marine biology, Ginny has found her calling on the soccer field. She loves being a part of the WWU women’s soccer team. Her parents and most of her older brothers (RIP Fred) come to games every once in a while, even though they don’t know the rules and cheer at the completely wrong times. She is as in love with Harry as ever.

Gilderoy Lockhart

Gilderoy Lockhart has been working to recover pieces of his memory (he lost it in the Chamber of Secrets when he attempted to wipe Harry and Ron’s memories and the spell backfired), and in remembering that he used to be a professor, he set out to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts WWU. Administration had no idea what he was talking about, and in feeling bad (and a little embarrassed) for the guy, they eventually gave him a job as a groundskeeper. He is happier than ever, and is planning out his new book, titled, "Cavorting with Custodians."

Rubeus Hagrid

Between being the Care of Magical Creatures teacher at Hogwarts, and opening up a Treacle Fudge shop in downtown Fairhaven, Hagrid doesn’t have much free time lately. He loves popping into Bellingham to visit his old friends, and trusts Ginny, Luna, and Hermione to keep his shop running smoothly while he’s away. Although he doesn’t attend or teach at WWU, he enjoys going to watch the muggle quidditch matches every so often.

Luna Lovegood

Luna is extremely active in the theater and loves to attend glass blowing and other various art classes. Most of her friends are pretty sure she’s majoring in Biology with EEO emphasis, but she will often show up in completely random classes in the middle of the quarter with homework to turn in. She spends most of her off-time on the lawn outside of Old Main practicing tricks with her Hula Hoop, and passing out copies of "The Quibbler." No one really knows quite what "The Quibbler" is, but they take it anyway because everyone is fond of Luna. She works part time in Hagrid’s treacle fudge shop in Fairhaven, and is very proud of the tattoo she got last month of her favorite animal, the Crumple-Horned Snorkack.

Cedric Diggory

Cedric Diggory is a 3.9 student majoring in Business Administration with an International Business Concentration. He is the WWU hockey team’s star player and assistant captain. He unapologetically uses the phrase “That's what she said” in casual conversation, and encourages his fans at Hockey games to chant “Ced-Dog, Ced-Dog!” whenever he’s on the ice. He blow-dries his hair every morning, and refuses to leave the house without properly applying his AXE hair pomade. He’s friends with literally everybody, so if you’re walking with him to class, be prepared to stop at least five times and politely wait while he converses about the crazy party with the keg last night that you had no idea about.

Severus Snape

Snape is the Department Chair of Accounting, but he really wants to be teaching Economics. He has gone to administration multiple times; they just don’t think he’s right for the job. Whenever there is an opening for the department, he is never considered. Snape is the kind of professor who every student is terrified of, and he has a horrible rating on Rate My Professor. You take his class because there are literally no other professors available. He always favors the upperclassmen and loves to pick on the students who come into class thinking they know what they’re doing. Once you get to know him though, you’ll notice that he will go above and beyond for the people he cares about.

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