Lin-Manuel Miranda's hit Broadway musical "Hamilton," and "Pokemon," one of the most popular animes/video games in the world. Both have battles, drama, memorable music and a hardcore fan following. It's about time the two were combined.
George Washington
Arceus. The creator of it all. The beginning. "There's nobody else in their country who looms quite as large."
Aaron Burr
Ditto. Will become whatever he needs to be. "I changed parties to seize the opportunity I saw." "Talk less. Smile more."
Elizabeth Schuyler
Flareon. A Schuyler sister and therefore one of the Eeveelutions. Firey and tough. "I hope that you burn."
Angelica Schuyler
Jolteon. A Schuyler sister and therefore an Eeveelution. Exciting, flashy and sharp. "...She's dazzling the room."
Peggy Schuyler
Leafeon. A Schuyler sister and thus one of Eevee's evolutions. More unassuming than her sisters, but lovely and strong in her own way. "And Peggy!"
Maria Reynolds
Roselia. Gorgeous and seemingly harmless... but poisonous. "Then her mouth is on mine and I don't say no."
Alexander Hamilton
Poliwrath. Fighting-type: strong against normal types Arceus/George Washington ("He got washington in his pocket") and Ditto/Aaron Burr ("I looked back on where I failed, and in every place I checked, the only common thread was your disrespect").
Also water-type: strong against fire-type Flareon/Eliza Schuyler ("You look back at me and suddenly I'm helpless") but weak against electric-type Jolteon/Angelica Schuyler ("My dearest, Angelica") and grass-type Roselia/Maria Reynolds ("I don't know how to say no to this").
King George III
Tyranitar. Huge, prehistoric tyrant. Dark-type and unpleasant. "I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love."
John Laurens
Hitmonchan. Fighting-type like his comrade Poliwrath/Alexander Hamilton. "These redcoats don't want it with me 'cause I will pop chick-a pop these cops til I'm free."
Hercules Mulligan
Hitmonlee. Fighting-type like his comrade Poliwrath/Alexander Hamilton. "When I get knocked down, I get the f*** back up again"
Marquis de Lafayette
Gallade. Fighting-type like his comrades, but also psychic-type. Elegant and strong. "The Lancelot of the Revolutionary set." "Lafayette's a smart man, he'll be fine."
Thomas Jefferson
Mr. Mime. Unsettling and strangely French? Easy to hate. "We almost died in the trench while you were off getting high with the French."
James Madison
Mime Jr. Less French than Mr. Mime, less awful, more difficult to hate... But overall not very noteworthy. (Yeah, I know he becomes the fourth president of the U.S. and all, but I just mean in the context of the musical) "Sittin' there, useless."
Charles Lee
Metapod. Was OK earlier and might be OK again later but is currently completely ineffective. Only knows one move (retreat). "How many men died because Lee was inexperienced and ruinous?"
Phillip Hamilton
Poliwhirl. A younger version of his father, Poliwrath/Alexander Hamilton. "The scholars say I got the same virtuosity and brains as my pops! The ladies say my brain’s not where the resemblance stops."
Last, and definitely least:
Samuel Seabury
Bidoof. Useless and annoying. Shows up when you don't want him to. Weak against fighting-type Poliwrath/Alexander Hamilton. "If you repeat yourself again, I'm gonna scream."