To all my faithful followers, hello and welcome back to the inner thinkings of my mind. Most of you may be wondering, Harry Potter... again? And to that I have to say:
Okay, but seriously, you guys already know that Dumbledore would get a kick out of being overly involved in a student's dating life. He's got that whole laid back, but you know he's watching everything; It's a sassy approach to life—an attitude that I think will play out perfectly in his role as a modern dating guru. So with that, let's begin.
First off, when it comes to dating you need to have swag.
Dumbledore def knows a thing or two about this. That is all. Now back to the real stuff.
On Cheating:
Gurl, you already know that you need to drop that guy. If he can't realize what a fine piece of wizarding magic you are, he doesn't even deserve you. Let him crawl back into the Slytherin common room where he belongs.
On Breaking Up:
This just got a little bit more serious. I think we've all been in that relationship that has just outlasted its worth. People change and grow, and if that person isn't helping you reach your full potential, sometimes it's just the time to let them go. This can be so hard, especially because they have become such a part of your life. But you need to do you, and sometimes that means making the tough decisions. Like choosing between being sorted into Gryffindor or Slytherin (lol).
On Dealing With Heartbreak:
Okay again, another serious one. But come on guys, life is serious. No matter how fine of a Gryffindor we are, I think we've all also been the one who has been broken up with. It's tough. But you gotta pick yourself up. Now you've got more time to focus on more important things like figuring out why your parents hid your Hogwarts letter. #muggles
On Getting Over That One Person:
I'm sorry, I'm still cracking up at this gif. I've def pulled that Dumbledore face once or twice in my lifetime. Like, COME ON, PEOPLE, just move on with your life. If he's treated you like crap for a century and a half, you can do better. But I'm also guilty of pulling a Snape and being forever hung up on that person, so I get the flip side. But if this is you right now, know that you're awesome and you could def land yourself a Cedric Diggory if you wanted to.
On The Walk Of Shame:
That is all.
On Finding The Right One:
I think we're all just waiting for this moment in our lives.
So there we have it, folks. Our journey comes to an end here. I hope you feel as deeply moved as I do. Signing off until next time.