As an Odyssey writer, one of my favorite things to do is to browse the eccentric topics and titles of articles published that week. Some of these titles do an outstanding job of pulling in readers, so I thought why not create some of my own outlandish topics having to do with one of my other favorite things- Disney princesses. And, hey, if you relate to any of these titles, maybe you should consider writing as well!
Snow White
"An Open Letter to My Evil Step-Mother Who Tried to Kill Me: I Forgive You"
"10 Easy and Unique Hairstyles for Hair Longer than 10 Feet"
"How to Be a Trendsetter in 2017: Black Chokers, Glass Slippers, and More!"
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
"500 Words on How Naps Are Dangerous As Told By a Survivor"
"I Don't Need No Man: What Turning My Mother into a Bear Has Taught me About Feminism"
"An Open Letter to My Haters: Just Because I Fell in Love With an Animal it Doesn't Make Me Odd"
"What Growing Up in a Private Castle With Servants Has Taught Me About the Real World"
"How I Gave Up My Voice to Be With a Man I Hardly Know and Why that's OK"
"500 Words on My Time Spent as an Amphibian"
"How I Asked a Grinning Bobcat Why He Grinned and Why You Should Too"
"24 Reasons To Get to Know Someone Before Accepting Their Hand in Marriage"
Esmeralda (not a princess, but too good to pass up)
"An Open Letter to the Priest Who Hit on Me and Tried to Burn Me at the Stake"