Emojis are our way of adding expression to a form of communication where expression can be lost or misinterpreted. Sealing a text with a little emoji at the bottom can translate to how we feel, our mood, or the tone we are trying to convey to others. Adding this cute little icon has become our norm. But do you ever consider what your most recent keyboard would (or should) look like by the day?
The "I don't want to do anything but sleep all day" day.
The "this is my last chance to enjoy staying in bed late" day.
The "I better binge watch my show for the last time this week" day.
The "avoid all my responsibilities, I should be doing this but I'm going to do this instead" day.
The "I don't want to get up early" day.
The "I'm dreading sitting in class and doing work" day.
The "my alarm went off at 7 am now its time to cry" day.
The "its going to be a long week I can already tell" day.
The "It's only Tuesday!?!?" day.
The "I feel like crying a little because I have so much to do" day.
The "oh well I just need to get through this first half of the week" day.
The "on the bright side, at least I get to have tacos for dinner" day.
The "thank god its hump day" day.
The "gotta get past this hurdle" day.
The "not sure how much longer I can take of these weekdays" day.
The "overall feeling of ughhhhh" day.
The "race to the finish line" day.
The " I'm almost there I can do this" day.
The "final countdown push" day.
The "high five its almost the weekend day"
The "last day to wake up early" day.
The "just got to get through this day and then I can relax" day.
The "can't wait to have fun tonight" day.
The "its party time" day.
The "Cheers to the freakin' weekend" day.
The "I'm in the best type of mood" day.
The "let's make dinner plans tonight" day.
The "can't wait to hang out with the people I love" day.
The "who wants to do something fun" day.
and then we do it all over again.........