There aren’t many things I regret in life, if anything at all. But there are definitely things I wish I could do over, or do better than I did. Whether this pertains to school, to boyfriends, to life, to saving money, or whatever, If I could have a do over I would...
- Not let you treat me the way you did.
- Have tipped my servers a little more.
- Have spoken up when my opinion differed.
- Have treated people a little nicer.
- Drive a little safer.
- Have been there for you when you needed me the most.
- Taken bigger risks.
- Studied harder in high school (sorry, teachers).
- Studied harder in college (sorry, professors).
- Have visited more colleges.
- Not let you force me to do things that I wasn’t comfortable with.
- Travel more.
- Save all (not some) of the change in my change jar.
- Enjoyed Disney a little more.
- Put the phone down more.
- Appreciate the little things.
- Not spend money on stupid things.
- Take more pictures.
- Talk about my feelings more (I know, cliche for a girl).
- Not have said “I love you” when I didn’t mean it anymore.