The best part of college is procrastinating and watching your favorite TV show instead. Now you can follow this guide to watch the show that best aligns with your major.
1. Premed - Grey's Anatomy
It's a beautiful day to save lives and odds are you saw this one coming.
2. Marketing - The Office
This show will help not only marketing majors, but business majors as well. Don't think about the fact that they waste 99% of their time doing weird things, think about the fact that they sell paper... and printers.
3. Psychology - 13 Reasons Why
Say what you will about the show, not a huge fan myself, but it does show mental illnesses, bullying, and sexual assault all in the most raw forms and that is psychology.
4. Political Science - Madam Secretary
Ok it might not be a real look into life in politics, but I'd say it's close enough.
5. Education - Parenthood
If you want to be a teacher - more power to ya because you're about to become a parent to a whole lot of kids. This show teaches you all the ins and outs of parenting in every stage of life and for all types of kids, good luck.
6. Fashion Merchandising - The Carrie Diaries
A goal - being able to turn nail polish on a purse into a work of art.
6. Criminology - Quantico
What better way to learn about crime than to watch a show about people who should be stopping crimes trying to cover up crimes they committed?
8. Culinology - The Great British Baking Show
Honestly, every major needs this show. It's a true form of art.
9. Music - Glee
Nothing. NOTHING says music and performance like THE Rachel Berry