High school: It's said to be the best four years of your life. However, I discovered that they had been the worst four of mine. I don't miss high school, not even for a split second. Why would I miss a place where everyone pretended to be my friend? Why would I miss a place where everyone knew everyone's business? Why would I miss a place where people had no better way to spend their time besides talking about each other and subtweeting each other? (Yes, I'm guilty of that, too.)
When I first walked through the halls of my high school, I was that lost, ugly freshman girl who thought it was necessary to look good every single day of the week. As the years went on, I was still a little ugly but had some type of "glo-up" each new school year.
I was never the student to be picked for anything. I ran for student council my freshman year and lost because it was a popularity contest, so I didn't run again. I played softball, but my talents were underappreciated, so I didn't come back my sophomore year. I tried almost everything offered at the school and could not find out where I fit in. Now that I look back, I'm different than everyone else I went to school with and I really don't fit in with who they are.
In high school, there was never anything to do. You couldn't drive until junior year, so bumming rides off of the older kids or walking everywhere was the most common form of transportation (because no one wants their mommy and daddy dropping them off). When the older kids finally got their licenses, it was a cool thing to jam out in the car five nights a week. Just driving around and wasting gas — why did we think it was fun?
The rumors and the pettiness in high school were overall ridiculous. No one can be themselves in high school without feeling uncomfortable about it. Everyone will judge you for whatever they can. I don't miss high school at all: Not the sports, not the students, not the place, not the food. Nothing is missed or worth looking back on. The worst four years of my life are over.
One year in college has been better and filled with more memories than four years in high school.
High school sucks. Point blank. Yearbook closed.