I promise I won't use any lyrics from the song *pauses to sing a line or two*.
As I sit here, about to enter my second year of college, all I can think is, "Who the heck am I?" Really. I always heard that college was the place that you would find yourself. You would finally understand why you are the way that you are and you'd be your own unique individual. Honestly? I am more confused than ever about who I am! Let's take it back a little...
When I started elementary school I was about as popular as the next kid. I was the outgoing child who talked to any person I saw and tried to be best friends with everyone. I remember the thought running through my mind, "Oh yeah, I'm going to keep this up. High school is going to be a breeze when you're friends with your whole class."
Moving up to middle school was about the same except I had to push myself to be that same outgoing child that I used to be. I wanted to be liked. I wanted to "fit in" with the popular kids and be considered cool.
During those wonderful junior high years, I still talked to everyone and couldn't walk down the hallway without saying "hey" or hugging someone's neck; but no matter how hard I tried to fight it, I normally just preferred my tight group of friends. This all took a turn the summer after seventh grade. You see, I decided that it was time for me to move in with my mom for a while. She lived about 45 minutes from my school so obviously I had to transfer. Talk about a complete transformation. I turned into a young girl who was petrified to talk to people. Somehow I still managed to make friends easily, but being well known wasn't what I wanted anymore.
Now eighth grade deserves a paragraph all to itself. It's that SUPER awkward time in a child's life when you think that you're grown but really it's just the idea of being the top tier of the middle school getting to your head. Also, if you went around the time that I did then you know all too well about the awful alternative (we all know it was emo/scene) stage that everyone was doing. Never forget #rawr.
Yep, I went through that "alternative" phase for a VERY SHORT period in my life. Do I regret it? Eh, I found some decent music so probably not.
Then before I knew it, high school was here. I can't explain in great detail everything that happened but I will say that I was a hot mess. I came back to my old school and realized that no one was the same. It was like I had died and came back as an unknown creature. I managed to rekindle some old friendships and survive my first couple of years until eventually everything went back to normal.
I took you on that little walk through my life to show that, probably like most of you, I never stuck to one true version of myself. I was constantly trying to conform to the norms of society and lost pieces of myself along the way. Through it all, there are three things I try to remember that you need to know:
1. You are beautiful.
Alright, I know I talked about mirrors in the beginning but I don't just mean physically. I also mean emotionally and spiritually. No matter what your personality is like, you will always shine a beautiful and unique light on any situation.
2. You are a world-changer.
What is great about humans is that we have the ability to speak. We can voice our opinions and make the world a better place if we have enough drive to do so. YOU have this ability. If you are passionate about something and want to see a change, get up and get to work because you could be the person our children and grandchildren read about in their history books.
3. You are loved.
I always thought that everyone knew and felt this. It has come to my attention that many people do not get to experience love and I am so sorry. That is why I am telling you that even when you don't receive the love you deserve from your family and friends, you have a God above that loves you unconditionally. Pastor Rick Warren once said, "God is love. He didn’t need us. But he wanted us. And that is the most amazing thing."
So it is okay if you don't know who you are or who you will become or where you are going. Be in the present and embrace who you are at this very moment. You are the most amazing you. Never forget it!