5 Ideas For Spring Break | The Odyssey Online
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5 Ideas For Spring Break

...That aren't partying at the beach.

5 Ideas For Spring Break

Though we UMD students don't get another five luxurious weeks away for spring break, we do have a short but sweet break during which there is so much to do! Here is a long list of things you can do over our spring break. Start prepping now because it will be here sooner than you think!

1. Go on vacation with your family.

Family time is crucial, especially when you spend most of your days far away from home. If the members of your family share a break with you, plan a vacation together. It does not have to be to somewhere fancy and far away, maybe somewhere simple like NYC for an overnight. Even if you cannot get away, try to plan a day together at home doing activities, eating a meal together, and sharing stories from the past few weeks.

2. Road trip to the nearest big city with your friends.

Even though it isn't that long, spring break might get boring fast. Plan a day to drive somewhere with either you home or your school friends. Find something fun to do there and maybe even stay the night. Maybe don't have a plan and go wherever the road and this new city takes you. This is a great way to try new things with people you are guaranteed to have fun with.

3. Watch an entire series on Netflix.

What's better than staying in your room for days on end in your perfect bed watching and amazing TV show? Uhhh, nothing! Pick a show that you have never seen before and try and watch the entire thing before returning to school. I suggest a show that is outside of what you normally like to watch. For example, if you're really into dramas, watch a sitcom. If you like reality TV, try an action show. Some of my personal favorites are "Parks and Recreation" and "Orange is the New Black." Give one of those a try if you haven't seen them yet. Remember, the more seasons, the bigger the challenge!

4. Read a book or two or three.

I doubt you have picked up a book to read for pleasure in the last few years. This is the perfect time for that! There won't be any work or class holding you from reading whenever you want. Let the wondrous fictional world of whatever book you choose whisk you away into a perfect fantasy and remember the joys of falling in love with fake people while stimulating your brain.

5. Go on a service trip.

UMD offers a variety of different options in terms of service trips. Programs like alternative breaks, Habitat for Humanity, and Students Helping Honduras host trips to different parts of the world to do community service projects. These trips are life changing experiences that help clear your conscious of some of the nights you might regret in College Park. Whether you are building houses or teaching children, these trips give you the opportunity to travel the world while helping those in need and making lifelong friendships.

Enjoy your spring break and do something good with your time off! No reason to waste some personal time on stuff that does not please you.

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