It's easy to fall into a slump and, subsequently, get really bored. But boredom is great for creativity! Read this list to find something to do, or use it as inspiration to spark up some new ideas.
1. Download the Duolingo app and learn a new language
2. Read a book
3. Write a review of that book. Did you love it? Hate it? How could you relate to the characters?
3. Write your own story
4. Write a poem or song (if you're not a strong writer, don't worry- the cheesier the better)
5. Paint a painting
6. Go for a long walk (Bonus points if you explore someplace new!)
7. Go for a drive (Bonus points for this one too)
8. Go to the gym
9. Do a jigsaw puzzle
10. Buy a houseplant to take care of
11. Make an altered book
12. Crochet a scarf
13. Bake a cake and decorate it
14. Do yoga
15. Cross-stitch a pattern
16. Plan your Halloween costumes for the next 50 years
17. Color in a coloring book
18. Create a playlist based on a movie or book character
19. Camp out at the library
20. Learn to hand sew
21. Meal prep dinner for the week
22. Make a friendship bracelet
23. Redecorate your room
24. Practice piano
25. Have a glass of wine and watch your favorite TV show
26. Plan a camping trip
27. Organize the photos on your computer
28. Make some soup
29. Do your laundry
30. Break a hula-hooping record
31. Have a Harry Potter marathon
32. Play Sudoku
33. Do some internet research and learn your local history
34. Create a vision board using pics from old magazines
35. Eat some fast food
36. Go to the movies
37. Go to the zoo
38. Visit a museum and admire the art/artifacts
39. Get a bunch of cute cookie cutters and bake some cookies
40. Go hiking
41. Call your grandma/grandpa
42. Search the Help Wanted Ads
43. Scroll through Pinterest
44. Drink water
45. Donate your old clothes
46. Volunteer
47. Take a long bubble bath
48. Pick a subject and become an expert on it
49. Clean out your fridge/freezer
50. Personalize your belongings with lots of stickers
51. Make a cozy pillow fort, decorate it with twinkle lights, and curl up inside
52. Wash your car
53. Send Memes to your friends
54. Windy? Fly a kite
55. Get some friends together and play an intense game of Twister
56. Treat yourself to some over-the-top fake nails (and struggle to do anything for the next two weeks)
57. Go stargazing
58. Start a dream journal
59. Practice the splits
60. Watch soap operas to practice your Spanish
61. Go to a farmer's market
62. Sculpt something out of clay
63. Inhale some helium and make prank calls
64. Make some money by mowing people's lawns
65. Hang out at a coffee shop
66. Find someone you strongly disagree with and have a nice, long, civil debate
67. Recreate old family photos
68. Recreate old photos (historically accurate costumes, sepia tones, the whole nine yards)
69. Catch up on current events
70. Get lost down a Youtube rabbit hole
71. Take lots of embarrassing selfies
72. Go stand outside and get drenched in the rain (provided it's raining, of course)
73. Host a board game night
74. Start a garden
75. Have a Nerf gun battle
76. Buy the weirdest thing you can find at a thrift store
77. Fill someone's room with balloons (alternatively: cover every available surface in sticky notes)
78. Learn the rules to True American and play it
79. Do homework :/
80. Start a journal
81. Spin around as fast as you can until you fall down
82. Bounce a basketball
83. Teach yourself how to code
84. Buy yourself some flowers and create a pretty arrangement
85. Create a chalk masterpiece on the sidewalk
86. See how many pieces of gum you can chew at once. Try to blow a bubble
87. Mail some letters to your friends
88. Draw someone without looking and admire the results
89. Interview someone who really interests you
90. If it's fireworks season, buy some poppers and put them under people's toilet seats
91. Practice your typing skills (bonus points if it's on a typewriter!)
92. Have a garage sale
93. Decorate a T-shirt with puffy paint
94. Have a tick-tac-toe tournament
95. Climb some tall trees
96. Do Mad Libs
97. Have a picnic
98. Go bird-watching and identify the birds
99. Go shopping
100. Join Odyssey and write your own article!