One thing you learn very early in college is that the pre-arranged care packages you can have sent to you by the school are actual garbage. Save your parents the money, and just share this as a hint as to what you really want/need so that they do not waste their money on things you do not need. Believe me, last year I received a care package arranged by my university that had a yoyo and bouncy balls in it...
1. Pictures of your pet
Being in your dorm means being away from your pet. This can be super hard ( especially your first year). Sure we will miss our other family members, but it would be weird to have a shrine of pictures of them on your desk. On the other hand, you can never have too many pictures of your fur-babies hanging around the dorm/apartment.
2. Clothes
Whether it be a t-shirt from a local business that will remind you of home, or a cute new staple item for the upcoming season, nothing will make the week a little more bearable than something new to wear.
3. Cleaning supplies
Although adulting can actually be fun sometimes, no one likes to go to they grocery store to buy cleaning supplies ( cleaning is enough, we don't want to buy the supplies too). I remember shedding an internal tear the first time I rang up all the supplies I needed for cleaning the bathroom and doing laundry.
4. Quarters
This one is mostly for the students that are still living in a dorm. Laundry is expensve and emotionally draining. When I run out of quarters, I just simply do not do laundry until I can scrape up enough quarters to do it. I know, I am pathetic.
5. Movies
Just because there is no better way to treat yourself after a hard day's work the popping in a movie and relaxing. For the extra thoughtful parents, a movie with a message you wish to send to your poor student would be very cute!
6. A new book to read
Not EVERY college student is a nerd like me, but a new book brings so much joy into my heart. Sadly, books can be a pricey splurge for the struggling college student.
7. Socks
Such a cheap little gift that is also practical. I may have hated this gift ten years ago, but now I would cry tears of joy.
8. A cute knick-knack for the desk
A reminder of your family's love that you can set on your desk for every day support! Also, if you are like me, they feed your hoarder tendencies.
9. A handwritten note/letter
Many of us won't admit it, but a cheesy letter from our parents would LITERALLY make our semester. We might cry and laugh, but either way, we will be touched.
While we need so many things during these months of constant struggling and studying, all we really need is to know our parents are thinking of us and are there to support us. The fact that they have gotten us this far is enough to thank them for.