I have recently found myself with a cold. Since being slowed down by this I have come to the conclusion that of all the different types of sick you can get, the common cold is the absolute worst. Many other sicknesses are bacterial, which means when you take antibiotics it's killing the bacteria causing you to be sick. The common cold, however, is a virus so when you take those drugs to make you feel better it's just masking your symptoms not making them actually go away. I don't know about you, but the thought of taking drugs simply to mask rather than to fix sucks.
The common cold also comes in many forms, my recent case has given me a fever, stuffy nose, runny nose, sore throat, swollen glands, and cough. Basically, it has stopped me dead in my tracks before one of my busiest weeks. I would have much preferred a 24-48 hour bug clenching a trash can, because although I'm starting to feel better the signs of my cold are going to be around for at least another week whereas that bug would be long gone by now.
No matter what, being sick sucks. But if you are one with a bacterial cold, know there is someone jealous of you.