This week, "Saturday Night Live' kicked off its 42nd season of comedy with host, actress Margot Robbie, and guest performer, The Weeknd. However, what gained the most attention from the season premiere had nothing to do with either of them: it was the cold open mocking last week's presidential debate (yes, shockingly that was in fact a presidential debate) between Trump and Clinton.
The 10-minute comical depiction of the presidential debate features 'SNL' veteran Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump, and current 'SNL' stars, Kate McKinnon as Hillary Clinton and Michael Che as Lester Holt. Many viewers are applauding 'SNL' for perfectly embodying the debate but, let's be real, Clinton and Trump gave them a lot to work with.
Let's start with Baldwin's impression of Trump. Not only does he look exactly like the real Donald Trump, but he also does absolutely everything Trump did during the debate: the excessive sniffling, the frequent mentioning of "China," uttering "WRONG" at every accusation against him (which were mostly true), and blaming Clinton and Obama for everything that's supposedly "wrong" with our country. I have no criticisms for Baldwin's impression of Trump; Trump was arrogant, cocky, and he interrupted Clinton and Holt on way too many occasions. They did, however, leave out many other ridiculous things he said, like when he went on at least a minute rant about Clinton's "STAMINA" and when he mentioned his investments and properties in every city that he spoke about. Thank you, Alec Baldwin, for exposing Trump's terrible personality and lack of poise.
Now, let's talk about McKinnon's impression of Clinton. Kate McKinnon has accurately portrayed Hillary Clinton dozens of times on 'SNL' and her performance Saturday night was just as accurate. Some are criticizing 'SNL' for being too hard on Trump and shedding a much more accepting, comedic light on Clinton, but she really did not do anything wrong during last week's debate, which 'SNL' rightfully honored. Before you accuse me of being biased, I am not a Clinton supporter, I am just stating the facts from the debate; Clinton clearly outperformed Trump last Monday night. Did she directly target Trump a lot? Yes, but Trump did the same to her. Do I agree with some of her policies? No, but her attitude is what makes her superior to Trump. As McKinnon showed, Clinton basically let Trump destroy himself; she let him ramble about nonsense, she did not jump down his throat when he made an accusation against her, and she kept her composure throughout the entire debate. Here is the whole debate depicted in a single tweet:
"I never said that." —Donald Trump, who said that. #debatenight we approach the final month of presidential debating and campaigning before Election Day on November 8, you can expect much more drama from Trump and Clinton and much more comedy mocking them from 'SNL.' Make sure you tune into 'SNL' at 11:30PM EST on NBC every Saturday night so you don't miss out on the laughs!
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September"> 27, 2016