The 50 Most Iconic TV Characters of All Time
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The 50 Most Iconic TV Characters of All Time

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The 50 Most Iconic TV Characters of All Time

*Watch out for spoilers!*

50. Alison DiLaurentis (Pretty Little Liars) - Dead? No. A high school student who fakes her death in order to escape from a stranger trying to blackmail her? Indeed. You want to feel sorry for this character so badly because of what she has gone through. However, the reason she made this list is because she is quite the coldhearted, often malicious, young girl.

49. Lorne Malvo (Fargo) - The deviously horrifying character played by none other than the one and only Billy Bob Thorton stars in this multiple Emmy award winning show based on the movie of the same name.

48. Jess Day (New Girl) - The wonderful Zooey Deschanel plays the most optimistic, adorably ditzy teacher living with a group of guys who soon learn that she will change their lives for the better forever.

47. Sister Jude (American Horror Story: Asylum) - The two-time Academy Award winning, three-time Emmy Award winning Jessica Lange plays a character who completely transforms from episode one until the season finale. With this performance, we see a once demanding, evil Sister Jude become an apologetic, changed woman who is abducted by the asylum she once worked at to be tortured and left for dead.

46. The Countess (American Horror Story: Hotel) - Lady Gaga plays a modern version of a vampire who kills just about anyone who stumbles into the Hotel Cortez. Somehow, she also represents a loving mother who has endured a life of sadness.

45. Chanel Oberlin (Scream Queens) - Chanel Oberlin is one of the sassiest, fashion-forward characters we will probably ever run into. Oh, did I mention she renamed all of her friends Chanel so they would be more like her?

44. Lorelai Gilmore (Gilmore Girls) - Sweet, sweet Lorelai is the beating heart of Gilmore Girls. Being a young mom, she may not always know what she is doing, but she certainly will try her absolute best.

43. Madeline MacKenzie (Big Little Lies) - The always stressed, fast-talking Madeline MacKenzie is quite involved in her child's school, as well as quite involved in everyone else's drama.

42. Matt Foley (Saturday Night Live) - Matt Foley, played by the late Chris Farley, is hands-down the best SNL character to have graced the stage. He is basically a motivational speaker who has had ten too many coffees and cannot help but throw himself on a breakable table when he gets too stressed.

41. Issa Dee (Insecure) - A character just as iconic as the actress herself, Issa Dee makes us all feel at home with the awkwardness that she endures on a daily basis. Actress Issa Rae is a comedic genius and has created one of the most relatable characters on television today.

40. Tate Langdon (American Horror Story: Murder House) - YOU'RE ALL I WANT! YOU'RE ALL I HAVE! If only I had a nickel for how many times I have come across a Tate Langdon meme in the past decade. This complex character is seen by audiences as a lovable ghost for most of the show; that is, until we come to understand how he became a ghost in the first place. [Side note - Evan Peters, if you are reading this, I love you lots. K bye xo)

39. Jim Hopper (Stranger Things) - The instant connect and bond that he and Eleven form throughout the show is absolutely adorable. Enough said.

38. Jackie Harris (Rosanne, The Connors) - Oh, Jackie. Where would we be without our favorite fanatical aunt. Jackie is continuously hilarious and full of heart, whether it be on Rosanne in the '80s or The Connors in 2020.

37. Cam Tucker (Modern Family) - I often miss the jokes the characters say in Modern Family because I am too busy laughing at a joke Cam made from twenty minutes ago.

36. Rue Bennett (Euphoria) - The remarkable Zendaya plays this Emmy award winning role about a young girl who suffers from a great deal of mental health disorders, as well as addiction. It is a role so powerful and yet she makes it seem so effortless.

35. Celeste Wright (Big Little Lies) - Nicole Kidman provides us with a powerfully gut-wrenching performance of a mother who is a victim of domestic abuse. This role has certainly brought awareness to what the tortuous effects of domestic abuse look like.

34. Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) - It is hard to have not heard of this platinum blonde queen of dragons. She is an extremely tough leader who remained admirable until the unfortunate final season.

33. Phil Dunphy (Modern Family) - Phil is such a happy-go-lucky dad who is basically all about making others' happy. He is ridiculously optimistic and I love him for it.

32. Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) - This donut-loving animated character has been on television for THIRTY ONE YEARS. That is longer than I have existed.

31. Andy Dwyer (Parks & Recreation) - Andy Dwyer may not have more than a few brain cells to rub together, but it is because of this that he can full-heartedly be his goofy self that we all love so dearly.

30. Bonnie Plunkett (Mom) - Anytime Mom reruns or new episodes are on television, I seriously never change the channel. This is all because of the hysterical Allison Janney. This character is seriously not a great mom. But she's trying, right? Kind of?

29. Schmidt (New Girl) - I love this role so much. Schmidt loves being the center of attention, which gets on the nerves of his friends but is somehow why the viewer is often so obsessed with him. He is so lovably over the top that we just cannot seem to get enough of this funny guy.

28. Uncle Jesse (Full House, Fuller House) - Elvis, is that you? The most beautiful head of hair on television had to grow up fast when he lost his sister and had to be the uncle his nieces desperately needed. He sings, has a beautiful heart, and cares deeply about those who mean most to him. Have mercy!

27. Fonzie (Happy Days) - The Fonz may be a character from the '70s, but people remember him vividly even in 2020. He is a larger than life character that put Henry Winkler on the road to superstardom.

26. David Rose (Schitt's Creek) - It is safe to say this spoiled adult was not prepared to get his life transformed and be forced to live in Schitt's Creek. David is also pansexual, an orientation that is underrepresented in the television industry.

25. Joe Goldberg (You) - Hello, you. Joe has endured childhood trauma and suffers from mental illness. His main character trait is that he is a stalker, but he is also a killer. Once Joe sets his eyes on his next victim, they will have no escape.

24. Titus Andromedon (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) - Titus is bigger than life. Watching him interact with others makes you want him to be your best friend in real life. He is unapologetically authentic and hilariously funny.

23. Kimmy Gibbler (Full House, Fuller House) - It is hard to forget this annoyingly funny red-headed next door neighbor of the Tanner family. She taught us that parents are not always going to like your kids' friends, but you painfully put up with them anyways for the love of your child.

22. Bow Johnson (Blackish) - The GLORIOUS Tracee Ellis Ross is a strong, black female lead whom none of us will forget. She is so funny I can hardly stand it! Any scene with her in it is certain to be the highlight of the episode.

21. Phoebe Buffay (FRIENDS) - Everyone should have a smelly cat loving weirdo in their lives; shouldn't they? The entire vibe Phoebe has is everything. She is a vegetarian, dresses like she has an extensive crystal collection at home, and is a masseuse. What more could we ask for? Her says-it-as-it-is attitude is certainly hilariously enviable.

20. Spongebob Squarepants (Spongebob Squarepants) - Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? The most famous sponge in the entire world. No big deal. Spongebob has graced our screens year after year since 1999. He is the most lovably hard working fry cook I know.

19. Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) - Did you know that Jesse was only supposed to be on NINE EPISODES? Sixty-two episodes later and the antagonist of El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, I think it is safe to say the writers recognized the undeniable acting talent and character development we received from Mr. Pinkman. Did I mention that he won THREE Emmy awards for this role?

18. Olivia Pope (Scandal) - She is a strong, black woman in the protagonist seat of the series and she is utterly magnificent. She is extremely intelligent, creative, and fashionable. Olivia Pope is a leader I am so happy to see represented on the screen.

17. Urkel (Family Matters) - Did I do that? Steve Urkel gave us the definition of "nerd" in the '90s. It is hard to forget his glasses and suspenders, but what is even harder to forget is his voice.

16. Stewie Griffin (Family Guy) - Stewie has to be one of the most easily recognizable animated characters we have ever known. Who would have thought a witty diabolical baby with a British accent would be the source of such happiness in people's lives?

15. Eleven (Stranger Things) - I mean, WHO HASN'T seen the iconic picture of Eleven with a shaved head, pink dress, jean jacket, and blood dripping from her nose? I would certainly consider her iconic if there are people dressing as her each Halloween.

14. Jack Pearson (This Is Us) - America's favorite dad may have died early in the series, but his love for his family is professed throughout practically every episode. He has a troubled past complicated by the war, but he made sure every day to put a smile on his wife and his kids' faces. I love this character so much that I may even name my child Jack. Go ahead, judge me.

13. Tony Soprano (The Sopranos) - One of the most iconic mobsters in entertainment history, Tony Soprano works his way up from captain to mob boss. This role awarded James Gandolfini three Emmys and revolutionized what it meant to make a mobster show or movie.

12. Chandler Bing (FRIENDS) - I love this hopelessly awkward and adorable goofball. He is possibly the most sarcastic character on television and rightfully so. His bromance with Joey is everything I need in a series.

11. Gloria Delgado-Pritchett (Modern Family) - Gloria took the world by storm immediately when she appeared on Modern Family. Her accent, fashion sense, and misunderstandings of common American phrases are just a few reasons why we love her so dearly.

10. Joey Tribbiani (FRIENDS) - Yes, indeed I am currently writing this sentence as I drink from my FRIENDS mug that reads "How you doin'?" Joey is not very bright. That is putting it mildly. However, this handsome Italian American truly has a heart of gold and would do anything for someone in need.

9. Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul) - In Breaking Bad, we see Saul Goodman as a corrupt lawyer who will do just about anything, including joining the drug trade, to earn some cash. In Better Call Saul, we see a young Jimmy McGill with morals who just cannot seem to get on the right track. To play such a complex and unique character across two different series is astonishing.

8. Raymond Reddington (The Blacklist) - We already knew coming into The Blacklist that James Spader would bring us some laughs. What we did not know is how we would be afraid of Reddington and yet somehow also want to grab some coffee with him. He loves those in his deepest circle, but will stop at nothing to take down those outside of it.

7. Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones) - Peter Dinklage won FOUR Emmys for this role alone. His wittiness in an otherwise desolate setting is extremely memorable. Seeing someone with dwarfism represented on the screen is outstanding. Dinklage is a phenomenal actor and is quite possibly the only actor who could have done this character justice.

6. Michael Scott (The Office) - THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID! Television's most inappropriate boss is somehow beloved by many. He thinks so highly of himself to mask his true feelings underneath. He is a much more complex character than we typically see among sitcoms of today.

5. Leslie Knope (Parks & Recreation) - Leslie Knope is the most overly ambitious government worker in the history of fiction. Her love for her work is so endearing because she TRULY wants what is best for her little town in Indiana. She will not go against her morals, regardless of what that means amongst the people of the town.

4. Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory) - Jim Parsons won multiple Emmy awards for this role and rightfully so. This fictional doctor may be an extremely annoying nerd, but that is part of what makes him so hilarious.

3. Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder) - The fantastic, unbelievable, outstanding Viola Davis deserves MORE than every award she has received. If I could meet one person from this entire list, it would be Viola Davis. I could start ranting, but I will focus on her character. Annalise Keating is the protagonist of the series, yet she is also an alcoholic murderer. She has been through the trauma of losing a child, to losing dear friends. Nothing will stop this independent woman from getting those the justice they deserve.

2. Dwight Schrute (The Office) - Is Dwight annoying? "FALSE." His obsessive need for his horrible boss' approval is absolutely hysterical. He is extremely confident in his abilities and knowledge of all things Battlestar Galactica. His deadpan comedic performance is exactly the perfect sitcom character we cannot seem to get enough of. This role will go down in history.

1. Walter White (Breaking Bad) - "My name is Walter Hardwell White. I live at 308 Negro Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. To all law enforcement entities, this is not an admission of guilt…" Yes this quote was in the PILOT episode. This show sucks you in immediately and never lets you take a breather. Diagnosed with terminal lung cancer in the first episode, this character went from high school chemistry teacher Walter White to the most infamous illicit drug cooker Heisenberg. This character transforms from one we feel empathy for and even possibly respect; to a despicable, heartless, and terrifying criminal. This is why Walter White is truly the most iconic character in television history.
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