If you've re-watched "Parks and Rec" over 50 times like I have, you most likely know all of these quotes by heart and repeat them every single day, even if they don't apply to normal conversations.
3. "Do you think a depressed person could make this? No!" - Ben Wyatt
"Requiem For A Tuesday" is a cinematic masterpiece.
4. "She's the woooooorst!" - Jean Ralphio
Jean Ralphio and Mona Lisa are the most underrated and hilarious characters in this show. Change my mind.
5. "She's the worst person I've ever met. I want to travel the world with her." - April Ludgate
GiphyAll of April's lines are quotable, tbh.
8. "LITerally." - Chris Traeger
You're lying if you say you don't pronounce the word "literally" like Chris.
10. *Deep voice* "BOBBY NEWPORT" - Ben, Tom, and Jerry
GiphyBobby Newport's never had a real job in his life!
12. "Her daughter is an idiot! Her daughter is an idiot!" - Pawnee citizen
Skip to 40 seconds in. Or just watch the whole video because it's filled with iconic lines.
13. "Say goodbye to your father." - Orin
GiphyChampion deserves an Oscar for this scene because he is the dog world champion.
14. "Stop. Pooping." - Chris Traeger
GiphyThe "Flu Season" episode in season 3 is one of the best episodes in the entire series.
15. "THERE'S NO TIME! HE CAN FLY!" - Pawnee citizen
This show wouldn't be the same without the hilarious one-liners from Pawnee citizens.