If you're reading this, there's a decent chance you're single, as well. So, in that case:
Kidding. But seriously, that's more than likely the case. If you're anything like me, you probably thought being single would suck. Over the course of the last four to five months, I've come to the conclusion that it, in fact, does not suck. Let me demonstrate a few reasons why the single life isn't the worst thing to ever happen:
1. You don't feel obligated to share your food.
When you're in a relationship, you almost feel like you have to split any food you get or you at least have to offer. But when you're single, all 8 chicken nuggets are yours and you can eat them without the side of guilt of not sharing.
2. You can have as many crushes as you want.
You can have a crush on that guy in that fraternity and/or that guy in your english class. You can flirt with whoever you want and do it whenever you want. The greatest thing about it is you don't have to talk to them ever again if you embarrass yourself. You've got no actual ties to them and when they get annoying, because they will, you don't even have to have that awkward break up talk. It's just adios and you're done.
3. No one asks you for relationship advice.
I know when I was in a steady relationship, I would get hit with the "how do you do it?" question all the time. Well, not very well, to be completely honest. Now that I've been single for a hot minute, I don't get asked for advice too often.
4. You don't have to please anyone but yourself.
Ever gone to a significant other's family gathering even though you'd rather be doing anything but that? Yeah? Well, when you're single, all you have to do is go to your own family gatherings and explain why you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend. It's pretty great.
5. It doesn't matter what anyone else wants.
Not that it ever does. You do you, homie.
6. Your life is less stressful.
It becomes hard to want a relationship when you compare how much less stressful your life has been since you got over the break up. I mean, I wouldn't mind a date or two here and there, but I also don't mind being able to ignore whoever I want for days at a time with no real repercussions.
7. You can focus on what makes you happy.
I am a firm believer in that you can only be happy with someone else once you learn how to be happy by yourself. There's no way to be lovable or give love when you cant evengive it to yourself. You have to know how to do what's best for you when it comes down to it.
As much as I may joke about how terrible the single life is, it's not the worst thing that's ever happened to me. It might even be one of the best things that has happened to me in the last two years. I've had the chance to find myself all over again.
Like Joey Tribbiani once said, "I'm a lone wolf" and I'm okay with that.