11 Tips To Make Your Ice Cream Worker's Day A Little Bit Sweeter | The Odyssey Online
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11 Tips To Make Your Ice Cream Worker's Day A Little Bit Sweeter

We may be on the clock, but we're people too.

11 Tips To Make Your Ice Cream Worker's Day A Little Bit Sweeter

Having worked at an ice cream and chocolates store for a year and a half, I have had my fair share of funny stories. With this, also comes a handful of quirky customers and some frustrating ones as well. Here are a few things that you can do to make your ice cream workers day a little better, so you can avoid being an unaware, frustrating customer.

1. Specify!

You want "a cone"? Interestingly enough, there are three. Even saying something such as "the regular cone" can be very misleading. Your regular and my regular could be different.

2. Don't walk away while your ice cream is being made

I can not begin to count how many times I will make a dish or cone of ice cream, then look up to see the customer on the other side of the store looking at something else. Next comes the awkward motioning for them that their ice cream is ready, to silently holding it, and eventually giving up and walking to the other side to give it to them. Please don't be this person. Pay attention.

3. At least skim the menu

Not everyone is going to know what they want right away. But constantly getting asked "do you have this?" and "do you have that?" gets irritating quickly if the item is in an obvious spot.

4. Don't haggle for a cheaper price

This is not 'Let's Make A Deal'. I am simply doing my job and won't apologize for otherwise.

5. Don't ask the worker which they would like more and not pick it

If you have gotten to the point of indecision where you ask the worker which flavor they enjoy more, please don't proceed to do the opposite of what they say. Simply rude.

6. Don't say "I'll try this one.."

We do free samples; therefore, if you say you want to "try something" I will assume you mean that. Changing your "try" to a "have", would be very appreciated.

7. Only try a few samples

Yes, technically you are allowed as many free samples as you want. But when you get to number seven, I start getting a little frustrated.

8. Don't fight about who's going to pay

We all know the feeling when two people desperately want to pay for the entire purchase. Although your gesture is thoughtful, when people start shoving their credit cards at you, it doesn't make any of our jobs easier.

9. Avoid asking about calories, do you really want to know?

You obviously came here for ice cream, the quick answer is that the calorie amount isn't going to be pretty.

10. Small talk

Just about every worker greets you with a "hello" or "how is your day?". Please don't just ignore it. Even though we have to start the conversation due to our job, you can still treat us more like people rather than just workers. When people come in and are nice, it definitely brightens my day.

11. Don't come in right before close

As many workers in other fields such as retail can attest to, customers right before closing is a major setback. If you are able to, attempt to come in earlier.

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