In the wake of the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, we can see how the effects of police brutality have almost divided the country with those who fully support officers decisions and those who, rightfully so, feel extremely uncomfortable around police as a whole. To counter this uneasiness many people have the argument that "Good Cops do exist." It seems as though people have gone out of their way to videotape and prove that there are truly good cops.
Recently, police officer Kevin Lands in Halifax, Virginia decided to play a well intended prank on drivers and in stead of pulling them over for tickets he handed out ice cream to the unsuspecting citizens. The video has since gone viral and has been shared almost eight million times on Facebook and made it to a number of local and even national news outlets. At first, it seems like a very sweet gesture but good intentions do not necessarily bring forth the best results. In the video you can see the absolute fear in the young black woman's eyes as the officer asks her if she is familiar with vehicle code 1739. If you notice she changes her answer from a "no" to a quick "no sir." Many will say that it was a minor stutter but for African-Americans around the country code switching is not just for fun, but a necessity to not give anyone a reason to hurt you. Although the woman was able to laugh off the joke, the relief that overcame her was very real. These are the same sentiments and fears that many African-Americans across the country share. The death of Phil Castile reminded Blacks across America that complying and being respectful is not enough to keep your life when in the eyes of police.
Good cops like Officer Norman, who's videos of community policing have gone viral, and even Officer Lands, all have great moments but their acts of kindness does not even begin to find a solution to the issues black and brown people in the country. A cop hugging a little black child does not give me complete solace, especially when these same black children's parents are being shot right in front of their eyes. Handing out ice cream does no help me forget that even though police are supposed to protect and serve, that that duty may not necessarily apply to my younger brother. These well intended acts do not solve for the gross acts of murder done at the hands of officers daily. Good cops are not ones who scare people to give them treats. Good cops are those who hold their fellow officers accountable for their actions and fight alongside the millions of blacks demanded justice and equality.
If videos of white officers doing mediocre things for black people continue to go viral, all it does it soften the voices of the people screaming for justice. It is very possible to be cordial to people you do not like, just like it is possible for "good cops" to do more. What these country and people need are not a PR lesson for officers across America, but a real solution to the injustice we see everyday.