I will not apologize for being emotional. Contrary to many people's beliefs, it is okay to feel your emotions deeply. It is okay to cry for no reason, laugh at stupid things, and be annoyed over things that probably aren't even going to matter in the next ten minutes. If it is joy, pain, sadness, my feelings have always been worn on my sleeves. I've always felt like I'm being annoying by expressing my feelings to others if I am feeling upset or anxious. Why?
I will not apologize for worrying about other people's feelings. We are constantly told to not worry about others. Now, I am all about self-care and putting yourself first. However, you can take care of yourself without hurting others. You can be the best version of yourself while also uplifting others to be the best version of themselves too. I have been told that I worry "too much about what other people think". I do worry about how other people feel. I know how it feels to be hurt, and believe that no one cares.
I will not apologize for being "boring." I love to have fun and go out. Deep down... I would much rather stay home, go to the park, do some online shopping, have a good workout and go to bed by 10 pm. I love to sleep. If we can go out and have fun with me asleep by 11pm at the latest then it's a plan. Especially being in college, you have this FOMO (fear of missing out) feeling if you aren't at the bar until 3 am. Trust me, you aren't missing out. The only reason I am out on the town past 11 pm is that I am at Disney World... and that is totally worth it if you ask me.
I will not apologize for being picky. I am cautious about who I let in my life or open my heart too. It is not a crime to guard your heart. I'm not saying don't be friends with everyone because I do love my friends. But, you don't need to let every person know you inside and out. Let a few select people have that honor.
I will not apologize for my tattoos. "Did you think about your job before you got that?" "Hopefully you can keep them covered when you go to interview." In case you didn't know, I am fully aware of every tattoo I have. I do get to see them every day, for the rest of my life. You've probably heard this before, but they are on MY body and not yours so you don't have to worry. Just like I've heard your questions before.
It is okay to be yourself. It is okay to have your quirks. It is okay to wear that shirt no one likes. It is okay to pronounce words weirdly. It is okay to be friends with the person that is "weird." It is okay to be friends with every person you meet. It is okay to go to bed at 10 pm or 4 am every night. It is okay to be a party animal or a homebody. We need to stop apologizing or being ashamed of who we are. It would be weird if we were all the same. Don't you think?