When I say this, I'm not saying that I"m turning into a Nature Valley Bar. That would be too easy and frankly, I'm not interested in cleaning up all of the crumbs.
The Urban Dictionary definition of the word "granola" is as follows:
If anyone knew me in high school, I was pretty *edgy* on the inside and never had any intentions of becoming a "new-age/ more civilized hippie who can usually be found journaling." However, here I am. I don't match the definition exactly. Quite frankly, I don't own Chaco's (GASP!) or Birkenstocks. It's not because I don't want to own them, but simply because I'm poor and cannot justify spending that much money on sandals- no matter how much I'd love to have some. Now, where did this granola energy start?
1. My taste in men.
Okay, I know you're thinking "How in the world is this relevant?" Well, stay with me here for a second. I have found myself over the 4 years that I've been in college extremely attracted to both Breakaway volunteers and Impact counselors (yes, please make fun of me- I'm not thrilled that it's like this either) Therefore, there's a part of me that wants to match that energy. I guess you become like what you're trying to attract.
2. My love for Jesus.
I think the majority of the granola culture is based around (a) adventure (b) loving travel and (c) being a camp counselor. I also like to throw in the final point to be (d) love for Jesus. Maybe it's a coincidence that most of the people I know who love Jesus just happen to be granola, but my love for Jesus and my need for modesty aligns with the granola fashion base.
3. Self-awareness.
Before college, I wasn't all of that self-aware. During my freshman year, I discovered that I'm an ENFJ and it slowly progressed into an ENFP. Then, during Junior year- I started to understand enneagram types. Now, it's kind of like a meme. My friends and I go "that's kind of a 9 thing of you to do". I've realized that my hippie-dippie nature stems from listening to my body and bringing that self-awareness into the light.
4. Yoga.
Yoga might fall under the "self-awareness" category of how I've gotten so granola. I think that when I asked for my very first yoga mat for Christmas two years ago, I was automatically into granola culture.
5. Writing.
I'm not trying to flex anything, but if you've seen my handwritten journal lately, it's quite aesthetically pleasing. I've found it so soothing to truly express myself through the journal that I use during my quiet time and to take sermon notes in. It's quite a "trademark" in the granola community to be carrying around a journal. As someone who identifies as a writer, that was the perfect shoe that just fit.
So, I'm a part of the granola community and I'm not mad about it. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.