Lately there's so much controversy about women saying they don't want to have kids. I have always heard the same thing when I would say I didn't want to have kids. I was told when I met the right one I would change my mind. But if I have my match shouldn't we agree on this?
First, let me clarify what I mean when I say I don't want to have kids. I don't hate children. In fact, I love kids. I wouldn't consider myself great with infants but toddlers and up I've always been great with. I'm going into a major where I'm going to be working with children regularly and I know I will love every minute of it. When I say I don't want to have kids, I mean the physical act of making and birthing a child.
So why don't I want to do this? A lot of people now are on a war mission about the right to keep their body shape. That's not it for me. For me, I come from genetics so poor that you are either physically chronically ill or you're in a constant battle against mental illness. I just don't want to put a kid through that. That doesn't mean, on the off chance I do have kids, that I will love them any less.
Despite not wanting to have kids, I do want kids. For years I've longed to be a foster parent and I would love to adopt. I've had people tell me "you're just going to get someone else's family history" and that's true. But I don't say I don't want kids because I've demonized mental and physical illness. I say it because I don't want to create a life I know will be full of suffering. If I raise or foster kids with those problems, I know how to handle it and I will love them unconditionally. That's what kids need from parents more than anything.