Snow is great even though sometimes is make me hate snow. It is so beautiful and can sometimes give you a Snow Day. Not usually at CU, but we always hope and pray. Here are 35 reasons to love a snow day.
1. It’s like pressing the PAUSE button the the DVR of life. As crazy busy as our days at teachers are, this is our pause.
2. Hot chocolate with extra marshmallows.
3. I get to catch up on my Google reader that now stands at about 865 inspiring blog posts that I want to read.
4. Spending an unexpected day off with family.
5. Cook something warm in the crock pot and dinner is not a drive-by situation as we rush in the door from a hectic day.
6. Extra marshmallows. Oops, did I mention that already?
7. Because of Twitter, I never know what I will learn on a snow day, but I can guarantee I will learn something.
8. Watching those TV shows that I need to catch up on. Today? It’s The Walking Dead. Yes. I love Zombies.
9. Getting messages from other students who are enjoying their day off, too.
10. Sleep in!
11. No work! Though I should probably make up my hours later this week… nah.
12. I get to sit by my warm, cozy (electric) fireplace all day. Nothing beats that after coming in from shoveling the walk… several times.
13. Reading. All day. Whenever I feel like it.
14. Lifetime Channel. I got to watch sappy romantic movies all day.
15. Snow. It’s pretty… even when I have to shovel it... several times.
16. I get to be lazy. Never left the house once. But then, I couldn’t since the plows left waist-deep snow right in front of my garage. (My roomate shoveled that mess!)
17. When else can you just not show up to work, and it’s not a big deal?
18. No traffic. I wasn’t cursing other crazy drivers... just the snow plows that only plowed half of the lanes.
19. I have 4-wheel drive, so I can still get out if I need to. But why would I want to?
20. I get to take my time having my coffee and eating my meals. No need to worry about break times.
21. I got a good workout by just shoveling. No need to do my stationary bike.
22. And I didn’t have to wear make-up or mess with my hair. No need to look nice when no one’s going to see me!
23. Snow is stunningly beautiful.
24. You could even say majestic.
25. Whether it is daytime or nighttime, snow sparkles.
26. Cities look more charming and playful blanketed in snow.
27. The middle of nowhere becomes Narnia.
28. Playing outside is the best, especially with close friends or family.
29. You and Elsa CAN build a snowman!
30. Making snow angels even if they make your butt cold.
31. Going sledding down a big hill to make your own, personal roller coaster.
32. Tubing up in Frisco is the best day.
33. Skiing and snowboarding speak for themselves.
34. We need snow for Skeleton, the sport with the awesome name.