The alarm sounds, and I open my eyes. The sky is dark, and the world is calm. My phone reads 6:00 a.m. even though it still feels like night.
Now, I know what you may be thinking, "How can you get up that early?" Initially, I thought that it was an impossible feat for me, the girl who typically sleeps at 3 a.m. The real reason why I began waking up that early is that I am currently taking winter classes which are very early in the morning. On the first day of classes, I set over 20 alarms because I knew that I would just snooze one right after another, and I did. It got easier though. After about a week, I was able to get up by the second or third alarm and sometimes even the first one (if I sleep early enough that is).
After I wash up, I make my to-do list for the day. I usually review a little bit before class or try to get ahead for the days to follow. If I have time to spare, I do some reading — anything, whether it be news from BuzzFeed or the New York Times. Early mornings are also when I find the greatest inspiration and just write. My productivity peaks in the morning, and I find myself getting a decent amount done before class. When I head out of my dorm, the sun usually starts to rise, and it's very calming, not to mention just as beautiful as the sunset. Sure, it's pretty chilly in the morning during the winter, but it's refreshing and it's a good wake up call.
As college students, many of us also tend to skip breakfast because we don't have time or just can't wake up for it. Waking up early has allowed me to set aside some time for a legitimate breakfast, and I forgot how much I missed it. Sitting down with a cream cheese bagel and a cup of coffee never felt so good.
Even when I finish my morning class, it's only 12:30, and I still feel like I have time to relax a little bit and accomplish what I want to do. Waking up at 6 a.m. gives me more time during the day. I'm not saying to wake up that early every day, but I'm also not saying to sleep in until 2 p.m. The peacefulness of early mornings compared to the hustle and bustle during the day can put you in a better state of mind and simply allow you to enjoy more of your day. Getting up early can be extremely difficult, but it is definitely doable and very rewarding so why not give it a go?