I have a problem with people telling me that my beliefs are wrong and that I am going to hell. I have a problem with being told that because I support and advocate for rights for the LGBTQIA+ community that I am going to hell.
Here's the thing you're the one that is wrong. Every single HUMAN should have the exact same rights. It absolutely doesn't give you the right to tell someone that they are going to hell because their beliefs are different from yours.
My major in school is social work. My future career is going to like it or not revolve around things like this. I will have a clients at several different points in time that are going to come out to me as part of the community. I am absolutely going to advocate for them as will be my job to do.
So here's the thing if you are going to tell me that either I am going to hell because I support the LGBTQIA+ community and believe that they should have all the same rights as I do, save your breath and don't say it to me.
Telling me that myself, my friends, or my family are going to hell for being in a community that should 1000 percent have the same rights as I or for advocating for those who should be allowed to have rights is the fastest way to get deleted from my life.
I will support my friends and family and my own beliefs until the day that I die and I don't believe that me supporting them is going to make me go to hell. I will stand up and say that I believe that every single person should have the right to get married to who ever they want to get married to because love is love.
For anyone around me who hasn't come out yet and identifies as apart of this community I am a safe person to come out to and I will support you and love you until the day that I die.