This semester is certainly looking different for every college student. Whether your school started out online, stated in person and transitioned to online, or if your college is in person, things are different.
I go to Villanova University and right now, the campus is open. They planned to be open at full capacity but with numerous changes such as required mask usage, increased social distancing etc. The biggest is how classes are run -- they are either all online, hybrid or in person. From everyone that I have talked to, I don't know one person with a strictly in-person class.
When the master schedule of classes was announced in July and I found out that all of my classes were online, I was really torn. Why would I want to pay to live on campus if I can do everything from my own house? Does it really make sense to go back if I will sit in my dorm room alone all day?
Obviously, the only thing that was giving me a reason to go back and live on campus was my friends and my social life. I miss my friends SO MUCH. I was really unsure if I should go back for my social life though ... the social life that I know, love and miss doesn't exist anymore -- COVID stole it from me.
I ended up deciding to stay home, it just made the most sense for me. To move all the way down to campus to spend all day every day in my room and to potentially have to move back if we get sent home, just wasn't worth it for me.
Do I feel safer at home?
Do I feel like it was a good choice to stay at home?
Do I feel like Villanova will end up having to send students home?
Yes, sadly.
Do I miss my friends and my social life?
YES. ðŸ˜
I am definitely jealous of those who are on campus, but for me, this was the best choice as I said. I miss my social life and friends but I feel like it made the most sense for me! I hope so bad that everyone is able to stay on campus and things can get back to normal, I want to return in the worst way in the Spring!!