They said work hard and you will achieve your goals,
But my goals seem so far away
They said don't grow up too fast, but they took my innocence away
They said you're too quiet, so I spoke up
But what I said seemed to be forgotten so easily
They said smile, so I did
They said be happy, so I made others laugh
They said life is too short, so I lived to the fullest
They said everything will be fine, but they don't know that
They promised happy endings, but we continue to seek happiness
I say, it's not so bad
They said it was easy. But it wasn't.
They asked what's wrong, but I didn't know how to answer.
They said I love you, but they hurt me.
They said sorry, and I said it's okay.
But it isn't
They said I will always be there for you, but now they aren't here.
They said be independent, but I don't want to live without you.
I tell myself I am strong.